If you don't know what a missile is, then you must be living under a rock. For all you rock-dwellers out there, missiles are large projectiles that can detonate with extreme force. Missiles come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from micromissiles that fire by the dozen, to nuclear missiles (keep in mind, the latter is very expensive and exclusive to the Gundam Physalis...don't get your hopes up about nuking the hell out of OZ). Purchasing missiles includes creating an appropriate firing device on the mobile suit to be equipped, which can be a detatchable firing box or mechanisms can be installed directly into the suit.
Most of the time, you'll purchase missiles to supply your other weapons rather than to use them by themselves. In this case, a firing box/mechanisms are not built.
(Model Number). (Maximum shots, if applicable). (Price).
(Attack Level). (Attack Name)...(Damage, if applicable). (Attack properties). (Upgrade cost, if applicable)
Missiles. Standard missiles. 600c per missile.
Lv 1. Missile…Wep. One missile.