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Shell-firing Weapons

Shell firing weapons include Doberguns, bazookas, and grenade launchers. Doberguns, for those of you who are unfamiliar with The Tallgeese, are simply bazookas that fire shells at high speeds. Doberguns have a great deal of recoil. Not much else to tell.

(Model Number). (Weapon Name). (Maximum shots, if applicable). (Price).
(Attack Level). (Attack Name)...(Damage, if applicable). (Attack properties). (Upgrade cost, if applicable)

Oz-TC. Tragos Cannon. 10 Shots. 2205c
Lv 1. Cannon…Wep, +1 if on Tragos. One shot.
Lv 4. Double Cannon…Wep+4. Two Shots. 5.
Lv 5. Detach…cannon becomes a handheld weapon dealing Att+1. 6.

BaZ-1. Bazooka. 6 Shots. 2100c
Lv 1. Bazooka Shot...Wep+1, +3 if you use a nonstandard missile. One missile.
Lv 4. Decoy...Wep+2. A decoy is shot first, and any defenses the defending MS is ready to use are used as normal. The decoy deals no damage if it connects. Then the real shot is re-aimed (if necessary), and fired. Two shots. 7.