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Shields are an indispensible tool. Protecting your suit from damage is the difference between life and death. Some models can double as a weapon. All shields can break after taking a certain amount of damage, indicated next to the name, at which point you will have to buy a new one.

(Model Number). (Weapon Name). (Durability Percentage.) (Maximum shots, if applicable). (Price).
(Attack Level). (Attack Name)...(Damage, if applicable). (Attack properties). (Upgrade cost, if applicable)

Piece of scrap metal. 19%. 1200c.
Lv 1. Shield Stance...simple defend.

RIP-33. Buster Shield. 23%, 26% on Deathscythe. 3500c
Lv 1. Shield Stance…simple defend.
Lv 4. Launch…Wep+2, +4 if MS speed is at max. Long range. Shield takes % damage if it connects. 5.

OZ Mirror Type. 20% 3700c
Lv 1. Shield Stance…simple defend.
Lv 4. Deflect…attack is thrown in another direction, though not straight back at attacker. 7.
Lv 7. Reflect…attack is thrown straight back at attacker. 10.