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A Gundam Universe Clan

Name: D'ark

Rank: TITANS Member

Email Address:

Mobile Suit: RX-78GP01-Fb Full Vernian Gundam "Zephyranthes"


Clan Data: N/A


Profile: Born on Londenion colony, Jonathan D'ark grew up as part of a mercenary squad know as the Inferno Platoon. Upon coming of age, he joined the platoon himself alongside his father. After his fathers death he led the platoon until one fateful day in the Sea of Solomon during the Stardust incident where his group was serving in the conflict on the Delaz Fleet side, and the entire platoon with the exception of himself were wiped out...

Repairing his mobile suit and rejoining the Delaz Fleet he fought to the end of that conflict and now seeks to aid the Titans in their future conflicts. Jonathan D'ark seeks only the conflict and thrill given by mobile suit combat and is somber and silent anywhere else except in a mobile suit cockpit where he will fight unto the death for the squad/platoon his is serving in.