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Change, Love, and Understanding
The Rhythm Emotion

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I have receaved a suggestion to change the font on my web site, so I am trying Calisto MT to see if I like it. I also have two reveiws from readers. Please, send me reviews, I really need the feedback or it could take me a couple decades to finish this. You don't even have to go to your mailbox, just fill out the form. Thank You.

I got a spash page up today(in case you haven't noticed). I have also added a one-shot fic to this page entitled: Heero's Birthday. It has absolutly nothing to do with Rhythm Emotion, but I thought I would put it on anyway. Please read and send feedback my way.

It took a while, but I finally have the beginnings of a cell page up. If any of you feel like doing a fan art based on this fic, please send it to me and I will post it there. . I have got a review form up now, so you don't have to go to all the trouble of going to your mailing host to send me feedback. Also I would like to appologize for taking so long with Ch 2, Sec 3 of Rhythm Emotion, I know exactly were I am going with it, it's just that my creative juces are blocked up right now, but I hope to have it up relitivly soon

First and foremost, as of today, I have an update page. ^_^! Chapter one and chapter two, sections 1 and 2, are up and running and section 3 is coming along nicely. I have also put up my reviews page, so anyone looking to see what other people think of The Rhythm Emotion can go there. There is only one review at the moment but I'm hoping, praying for more. I would appreciate you helping me out some. ;) I also have the Mp3 page and downloading instructions up so if you want to full effect of Rhythm Emotion, download some of the Music and tell me what you think.