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Gundam Wing-

The Series


Set in the year After Colony 195, Gundam Wing is the story of the future humanity. Many people now live in large colonies in space, which orbit the Earth. The colonists must face oppression from the Earth Alliance and the secret society that backs it, Oz. Oz uses giant fighting machienes, called mobile suits, to keep the people in check. But the colonies tire of such actions, and decide it is time they have a defense of their own. Enter the five young pilots of the mobile suits, Gundams, sent to fight back against the Alliance and Oz. So the story unfolds...


Heero Yuy

Duo Maxwell

Trowa Barton

Quatre Raberba Winner

Chang Wufei


Relena Darlian

Sally Po


Treize Khushrenada

Lady Une

Zechs Merquise

Lucrezia Noin

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