Arch Angel X

Fighting: 175
Strength: 140
Weapons: 170
Speed: 200
Stealth: 135
Armour: 155
Rating: Mobile Suit
Personal Weapon: (2X) Chu Jungs's Judgement
Description: These light-weight swords named after the Chinese God Chu Jung (who govern the element of fire and would punish those who broke the laws of heaven), are made of Godium,(a special alloy bestowed to }{avoc by god). These swords have the ability to fire energy shots much like the Tempest Gloves, and they can link together at the handles to form a powerful lance. They materialize from symbols burned in the arms of }{avocs suit. It is said when these swords are fully charge they have no equal.
Positive: They fire energy shots when charged at 80% or higher, and is a multi-purpose weapon. They take no storage space because the can materialize and dematerialize. The swords have a fail-safe, if an enemy touches the swords, then they will emit a EMP shockwave parilyzing them for 10-15 secs.
Negative: It takes a while for these swords to fully charge. Materialization takes a while also (Suit is still able to move during Materializtion). Swords must be touching to fire energy shots. Suit must a Neo-Dynamo Energy Pack (takes 2 day to fully re-charge).
Weapons: 2x Falling Stars, Modified Dober Gun, Arm Missile Rack(11), Portable Noventa Cannon, Tempest Gloves
Accessories: Wings, Planet Defendors, 2x battery
Status: On Colony 6
Personality: Slaughter

Pilot: }{avoc
Control: 242
Experience: 217
Response Time: 242
Dueling: 247
Accurracy: 247
Rank: Leiutenant
Style of Fighting: Likes to start off with arm rack missiles, followed by a massive noventa cannon blast, then swoopes down to slice enemy(Heaven's Touch)
Techniques: Angel Fall, V-Flip, Zanzoden
Status: None
Battles Won: 5
Money: 848 500
Organization: GOD'S DARK FURY
Preferred Battle Ground: Colony 6