Fighting: 115
Strength: 115
Weapons: 240
Speed: 165
Stealth: 75
Armour: 100
Rating: Mobile Suit
Weapons: 2X Gattling Gun, Portable Noventa Cannon, Shoulder Cannons
Accessories: Mega Power Generator
Status: On Colony 3
Personality: Slaughter
Pilot: Rocks
Control: 80
Experience: 70
Response Time: 90
Dueling: 60
Accurracy: 100
Rank: Private
Style of Fighting: All out long range offense/ dodge move away and give em all ive got.
Techniques: Bullet Massacre
Status: None
Battles Won: 0
Money: 10 000
Organization: None
Preferred Battle Ground: Open Fields
E-mail: Tyrannyman@yahoo.com