Fighting: 130
Strength: 100
Weapons: 150
Speed: 200
Stealth: 100
Armour: 130
Rating: Mobile Suit
Personal Weapon: (x2)Xiang Dragon Fang
Description: This weapon was created by Xiang Yao the god of dragons. They are dragon fangs made out of draganium (special metal given by the king of dragons ) covered in symbols. These dragon fangs are seperatly attached to the suit, they have a simalar design as Nataku custom has. They have a few uses,the first one is it grapples to the enemy and emits sonic pulses paralizing the mobile suit for 25 seconds. It then withdraws away from the mobile suit firing a energy beam followed by a bunch of missiles.
Positive: Can extend a mile. Able to paralyze an enemy. Beam is as powerful as a Divider.
Negative:There are only 15 homing missiles. The energy beam is slow.Takes time to recharge
Weapons: Buster Riffle, Dragon Fang Flamethrower, Cluster Bombs(50)
Accessories: Mega
Power Generator
Status: On Earth
Personality: Slaughter
Pilot: Canis Major
Control: 154
Experience: 129
Response Time: 142
Dueling: 50
Accurracy: 154
Rank: Private
Style of Fighting: Fire explosives at them right away then use flamethrower to damage them and finish them off with Buster Riffle.
Techniques: None
Status: None
Battles Won: 1
Money: 511 500
Organization: GOD'S DARK FURY
Preferred Battle Ground: colonies