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Gundam Wing World: Fanfics - We'll Never Forget That Day

We'll Never Forget That Day

By: Kiwimoon12

Disclaimer: Me no own GW or the G-boys sept Quatra...*wacked on the head* okay okay I don't own Quatre either! *sulk*
Chapter Three:


It was horriable to hear the pounding on the doors as his friends tried to get in. The pounding ended and all that he could hear was the heavy sound of each step he took, and was soon followed by the snaps as the others where closed in the strange halways to. Quatre turned around to look at the door and began to walk silently ahead again. He felt like screaming. It was so so so SO queit! He was also getting tired of walking. So far he hadn't run into any doors or traps and was honestly thinking of shooying off his gun.

He sighed heaily at his stupity he wasn't supposed to be having fun this was a mission he was supposed to be thinking about succeding. He was-nope not his fault he'd spent to much time with Duo. Besides Trowa, Duo was one of the few people he could talk to about life, girls (and for some reason Duo always got mad when he pointed out Hilde was pretty) and other stuff. He had also discovered that Wufei had a rather large weakness for chocalate. Heero he knew nothing about Heero but he did a bit of digging and discovered Heero was looking for his sister.

When Qautra read his searchers it was so...weird to find out he would even look. Heero never really showed emotion to anyone although he sensed he was a little closer to Duo and himself. Duo maybe because he had such a warm attitude to everything and Heero was-not likely but a possibility-jealouse. On the other hand why Heero seemed warmer to him was still a mystery to him there where two main reasons he had thought of that. One cause he was younger then everyone and Heero pitied him for having to fight or 2. He was just thinking Heero was nicer to him. Prob. Number two.

"Qautra...I've been waiting for you...hehehehe." A voice laughed. "Well if it isn't Death himself...hello Onike." A tall dark man starred at Qautra, "Death? I like it."

Owari of Chapter Three

Chapter Four