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Gundam Wing World: Fanfics - A Soldier's Worst Nightmare

Dorothy's hands scrunched into fists and she stormed to the men into the booth, "How dare you!" she said in a harsh whisper, "I knew that gundam pilot and I loved him! Vice Minister Relena Dorlian loved him too! He was no fool, he was a brave, strong young man!" She pointed her finger at them judgmentally "he was a solder, dammit! Maybe he made a few mistakes, but we all make mistakes! If you've seen the things he's seen maybe you could understand why he did what he did, so you better watch what you say, you old geezer, because it wasn't for him there would be a never-ending winter on Earth, do you understand me?" she put her hands on her hips as angry tears filled her eyes, "if you ask me, you're the fools. That man's name was Heero Yuy and he was a hero. All the gundam pilots are heroes. Just wait until I tell the others this, you'll wish you never been born!" They sat there with blank statements. She knocked their coffee cups off the table and slammed her hands on the table, "How dare you! Do you understand?! Do you understand what I'm telling you?! Heero Yuy was a hero!"

"Ma'am, I think you should leave," the waitress said.

The two men in the booth looked down at the spill, as if they were waiting for Dorothy to clean it up.

"I'll leave in a minute," Dorothy muttered, her eyes still on the two men, "You'd better be sorry, because it's us, the young ones who will take over, if you have no faith in us then there's something wrong with you. You'll live to regret this day." She shot them a nasty look and then left, slamming the door behind her.

"They had no right to talk to you like that, Heero," she said as she walked to her car. "Aren't you glad I stood up for you? Aren't you proud of me?" she laughed her infamous excited laugh. "Yes, you are, aren't you?" she sat in her car and went home, "just wait until the others hear about what I hafta say."


Duo and Hilde landed on L2 colony. Something in the distance caught Duo's eye. He stood up and got off the shuttle, leaving Hilde behind.

"Duo, wait for me!" she started to unbuckle his seatbelt.

"It's still here, like I left it," Duo said, walking to the rubble. He stepped over something and then brushed the ash off with his foot. Maxwell Church the sign said. He crouched down to pick it up and study it.

"Duo," it was Sister Helen's voice.

Duo took his eyes from the sign and he saw the same spot where he found the dying nun who took care of him. He quickly saw her laying there, blood trickling down her mouth. He shook his head, as if trying to erase the image.

"Duo." She said again.

"Duo," Father Maxwell's voice said.

"Where are you?" he stood up, "Father Maxwell? Sister Helen?"

"Duo." Louder

"Where are you?"

"Duo." Louder

"Father Maxwell?"

"Duo." Louder

"Sister Helen?"

"Duo, hey Duo!" he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Duo, I was calling you, why didn't you answer me?" Hilde's voice. "Duo?" She spun him around.

"I couldn't save them," he muttered, "couldn't save 'em."

"What, Duo? You couldn't save who?" she tightened her hand on his shoulder. "Is this where your friends were, the ones you wanted me to meet?"

"Couldn't save 'em, couldn't save 'em."

"Duo, you're not making any sense!" she shook him. "Come on, snap out of it, you're scaring me!"

Duo turned his eyes back to where he found Sister Helen, "she died right in front of me."


"Sister Helen," Duo replied sadly. "She took care of me. Father Maxell died when I was gone. I couldn’t' save him either." He tightened his fists and growled, "Damn, it was Oz! They killed him when I tried to deal with them. I feel so stupid!"

"Oh Duo, that's so horrible," she said with a sympathetic frown. She wrapped her arms around him, "is that why you don't want me to fight with you? Are you afraid you'll lose me too?"

"Every friend I ever had left me."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere, Duo." She reassured him by tightening her arms around his neck. "There's no place I'd rather be than right here with you."

"Thanks, Hilde," he held her close. "You're the best friend I ever had."


A man with long platinum blond hair aboard a shuttle saw something floating in space, "what is that?" he asked himself. He went to the cockpit, "do you see that? What is it?"

"I don’t know, sir."

"Well, get closer to it." They went closer and a body came into view. Pieces of gundanium floated around him, "Oh my god…it's him…"


"I'm going after him."

"But there's nothing we can do for him. We don't know how long he's been out here!"

"I'm taking my suit and I'm going to get him," he walked to the back and got into his mobile suit, the remolded Epyon. As he went near to Heero, the thought about each battle with him. "What are you doing out here alone? You're supposed to be protecting my sister." He closed his hand over him gently and went back inside. He laid him on the ground and got out of his suit. "Heero, can you hear me?" he asked, pushing him gently. He pulled Heero's helmet off and put his ear to Heero's mouth to check if he was breathing. Amazingly he was.

"Do you know him, sir?" the copilot asked.

"Yes I do."

"What's his name?"

"Heero Yuy, he's a gundam pilot."

"A gundam pilot? Why did you save him?"

Milardo looked at Heero and picked him up, dangling him over his shoulder, "for my sister."

"Your sister?"

"Yes." He laid Heero into a seat and began slapping his face, "Heero, can you wake up?"

"Is this the pilot you fought against so much? The pilot of 01?"


"I thought you hated him."

"I don't." Milardo muttered as he looked the unconscious Heero over. "I just liked fighting with him." Millardo closed his eyes, "he's one tough kid." He put his hand on his shoulder and tried to wake him, "Heero, open your eyes." Heero groaned but didn't wake up.

"Get Julianne Foster for me." Milardo ordered, "I have a job for her."

End Part One. What was Heero doing in outer space? Has Relena fallen for Quatre and what are Dorothy's? feelings. Who's this Julianne Foster? Why did Milardo save Heero? Find out in Part 2!

Part Two: