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Gundam Wing World: Fanfics - A Soldier's Worst Nightmare

"So what's wrong?" Dorothy raised an eyebrow.

Heero closed his eyes for a moment, "I really don't feel like talking about it."

Relena helped him back in the wheelchair, "you should be resting."

"Yeah, take me to my room."

"Goodnight, Heero," Dorothy said, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek, "wait, I want to tell you about something. Two men heard about you and said that young people like us don't know what's good for us and that you killed you self on purpose. Well, you're a great person Heero, and that's all there is to it."

"Thanks, Dorothy," Heero murmured, he looked up at Relena, "could you stay with me?"

"Sure I will." She took him to his room and helped him into his bed. She sat next to him and watched him fall asleep and then she put her arms on his chest, followed by her head and fell asleep.

The next morning, Heero was feeling a bit better. He even had some feeling in his legs. He opened his eyes and pushed Relena off him.

"What is it?" she asked.

Not answering, Heero threw the covers off and swiveled his legs to the side of the bed.

"Heero, your legs…"

"Let me concentrate," he said. He left his legs on the floor for a while and slowly stood up. Relena steadied him with her arm.


Heero took a step forward and dragged his other leg behind him. He wobbled but was able to move his legs.

"Everyone, come quick!"

"What's going on….oh my gosh!" Duo came rubbing his head. "Heero, you're walking! I knew you could do it!"

"It's a miracle!" Hilde cried.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Dorothy asked with crossed arms.

"He's the only man who could make the impossible possible," Sally said. "Amazing."

"And he's got his memory back!" Relena added.

Heero smiled like a kid at Christmas, "Hi Duo…Hi Hilde. Hi Dorothy. Hi Trowa. Hi Catherine. Hi Quatre. Hi Wufei. Hi Sally," Heero welcomed them by name and then saw Midii. The smile fell from his face, "you!"

Midii froze, "uh-oh."

"I know who you are!" Heero said, hobbling to her, "you're the one who called me to outer space. This could've been the best mission of my life and you ruined it for me! You tricked me into self detonating."

"No I didn't."

"I would never do it on purpose," Heero said, "I made that mistake once and a soldier never makes the same mistake twice."

"It wasn’t me," Midii said honestly, "I was in outer space."

"I tried to transform Wing Zero and when I pushed the button….everything went black," Heero said, "that's what happened. Someone tampered with my gundam!"

"I swear I didn't do it," Midii whispered, "I don't even know how to work a gundam. It had to be someone here."

"What about your partner?" Duo said, "Millardo Peacecraft."

Heero's eyes widened, "Zechs?!"

"Course not, why would he try to kill you and then save you?" Midii said, "he was in outer space too. He saved your life, Heero!"


"Yes he did," Midii said with a nod. "So it wasn't Millardo."

"Then who was it?" Quatre asked, "we let no one get close to our mobile suits except for the engineers."

"Uh, Heero," Howard said, over the intercom "I uh….made a mistake with your gundam…."

"Forget it, Howard," Heero said, "you're a bit too late. It's okay. I’m alright. You can't keep a good soldier down!"

Everyone laughed, "Hey, Duo?"

"Yeah Heero?"

Heero walked forward to the chess board. The pieces were still the same. He moved his rook and knocked out Duo's king, "Checkmate."

Duo folded his arms, "man….he beats me at everything!"

~*~The End~*~

Did you really think I would leave Heero to be a vegetable? I'm glad you liked it!!

Part One § Part Two § Part Three