The Twelve Days of Christmas - Gundam Wing Style

Author's Notes: My friend and I wrote this while on a sugar high so don't blame me if it's werid.
Warnings - don't be eating or drinking anything while reading this. And if you're a fan of Duo I did not come up with the frist day of Christmas, my friend did... so don't hurt me. Hailarious of the insane/sugar highy kind
Disclaimer - I don't own Gundam Wing or any of the characters... Nor do I own anything else in this songfic thingy... So you can not sue me, you have no reason to... And I'm not making any money off of this either so there.

BY: Evil_Une + Close Friend of Evil_Une

Hey look!! It even makes a little Christmas-Tree looking-like thingy!! (if you have the right view and such) And I didn't even set that up on purpose. ^_^ Yes, I'm very easily amused . . .

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