Heavy Arms
- Special:Beam Gatlin/Damage:1250/special power it uses:50/cost:625,000/ammo cost:125,000 per refill of beams(3 fires)
- Personal:Gatlin/Double Gatlin/Damage:Gatlin-250 per 25 rounds/Double Gatlin-500 per 50 rounds/Power it uses:Gatlin-20/Double Gatlin-30/cost:Gatlin-125,000/Double Gatlin-250,000(upgrade of Gatlin)/ammo cost:50,000 per 200 rounds(Gatlin-8 shots/Double Gatlin-4 shots)
- Personal:Armmy Knife/Damage:300 per swipe/200 per stab/Power it uses:5 per attack/cost:250,000/ammo cost:nothing
- Personal:Chest Gatlin/Damage:500 per 50 rounds/Power it uses:25/Cost:250,000/ammo cost:50,000 per 200 rounds(4 shots)
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