
Welcome to the Staff Page. Here are the people who help me with the GW: HP:

I run this rpg. I am the only one who updates this rpg and adds characters. I may make some mistakes at times, and I maybe edit them. I also write battles and spars.

I run this rpg with herro starting july 2nd 2001.I two update this site and add characters.I will do my best to make no mistakes.I two if we ever will wright battles again will wright battles and spaurs.
He helps me write battles and spars. He is a battle writer and sometimes is lazy.

Funny Play!!

Cell: hehe this is great

Heero: (looks through binoculars)yeah

Relena: hey Heero!

Heero: we're caught!!

Cell: nooo!!!

Noin: what do you wanna do to them Relena?

Relena: he he!!

Cell and Heero: oh no..

Funny Play!!Act 2

Duo:Hey You Guys, Why are you, *cracks up*

Herro:dont say it Duo!

Cell:Please dont say it!

Duo:You guys schouldent look at them from down here.

Duo:you schould look at them from the balcony with

Herro:Duo I think you schould shut up now.

Cell:What Herro said

Duo:you schould look at them with binoculures!

Noin:What were you saying Duo?

Herro and Cell:We Told you to Shut Up......

Duo:Oh No.....