Gundam Wing FFS ----Training(Psyical and Emothional)

Training Abilities

Earth-Main Planet

Instructor: Relena Peacecraft/Darilin
Attacks: Multi-Punch, Multi-Kick
Time To Learn: 10 days for both attacks

Instructor: Lucrizia Noin(AKA Lt. Noin)
Attacks: MS Attacks-MS Punch, MS Kick
Time To Learn: 5 days, 6 days

Instructor: Trieze Kushranada
Attacks: Commands of Power
Time to Learn: 20 days

Sanc Kingdom

Instructor: Queen Relena
Attacks: Peaceful Retreat
Time To Learn: 5 days

Instructor: Duke DualMayo
Attacks: Hypnotize, Multi-Vulcan Cannon
Time to Learn: 10 days, 20 days

Howard's Scrap Shop

Instructor: Howard
Attacks: MS Shield Block, MS Recover
Time to Learn: 20 days, 25 days

Outer Space

Instructor: Otto
Attacks: Selfdestruction, Dignafied Speed
Time To Learn: 1 day, 10 days

Instructor: Mobile Dolls
Attacks: Super Speed, Refecltors, Group Refeclt
Time To Learn: 10 days, 15 days, 17 days

Instructor: Vayate and Mercurius
Attacks: Ultra Beam Blast, Super Refectors, Shield/Swordmanship
Time To Learn: 30 days, 20 days, 10 days


Instructor: Gundam Sciencetists
Attacks: Death's Eye, Upgrades
Time to Learn: 35 days, 10 days

Instructor: Gundam Pilots
Attacks: Group Strength, Twin Blast, Beam Sythe Spin, Triton Swordsmanship, Gattling Gun-Blast, Heat Rod Squeeze
Time to Learn: 40 days, 35 days, 30 days, 30 days, 35 days, 30 days


Instructor: Zechs Marquize/Miliardo Peacecraft
Attacks: Mega Beam Cannon Blast, Heat Rod Whip Grab, Mega Shield
Time To Learn: 45 days, 40 days, 20 days

Training Table

2 days of Idle Training-1 level
2 days of Training with another player-2 levels
2 days of Training with 3 people-3 levels
2 days of Triple MS training-6 levels and 1 MS Level
2 days of MS Training-2 levels and 1 MS level
Winning a SPAR- 4 levels and 2 MS levels
Losing a SPAR-2 levels and 1 MS level
Winning a BATTLE-6 levels and 3 MS levels
Losing a BATTLE-3 levels and 1 MS level-go to Graveyard for 1 week


Pacifist-10% of Succeeding
Outlaw-20% of Succeeding
Assain-30% of Succeeding