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Questions and Answers

Q: Does the Scriptures say the calendar is for Appointments?
A: No.

Q: Does the Scriptures say the moon is for Appointments?
A: Yes. Psalms 104:19 says that He appointed the moon for Appointments (seasons) and Gen. 1:14 says for Appointments (seasons).

Q: Did anyone ever keep a weekly Sabbath on any day other than the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon?
A: No.

Q: Did anyone keep the weekly Sabbath on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th?
A: Yes- Everyone.

At least sixty weekly Sabbaths on these days can be pinpointed. For example, Ex. 16:1-23 is the first place the word Sabbath, is mentioned and was on the 22nd of the second moon and He said it is the rest of the Holy Sabbath. The last place the word Sabbath is mentioned is in Col. 2:16 – Let no man judge you in respecting it. Another example in the New Testament says that it was the Sabbath day when he made the clay and that Sabbath was on the 22nd of the moon. (John 9:14) To prove this, read John 7:37 through John 9:14.
It can be proven that weekly Sabbaths before the Law, under the Law, and before the Crucifixion, during the crucifixion, and after the crucifixion were all on these days and will be in the New Heaven. And not even one on any other day. (See “Proof chapter)

Q: If there is no proof of a Sabbath on any other day, does the Scriptures say to prove all things?
A: Yes. (I Thes. 5:21)

Q: Do the Scriptures teach that traditions of men would make the Word of YHWH of none effect?
A: Yes. (Matthew 15:6 and Mark 7:13)

Q: What does the Scriptures teach would be for days, years, signs, and seasons? The Heavenly lights or a calendar?
A: Heavenly Lights. (Gen, 1:14) (Psm-104:19)

Q: Was the Old Testament written for our example?
A: Yes. (ICor. 10:10)

Q: Were all examples of a weekly Sabbath kept on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon?
A: Yes, without exception.

Q: Is all this in the Law?
A: Yes.

Q: Will he that turneth his ear from hearing the Law prayers be an abomination?
A: Yes. (Proverbs 28:9)

Q: Is there any record in the Scriptures of any days or Appointments being kept by a calendar other than by the moon?
A: No.

Q: Is there any record of the Heavenly Calendar being used other than for the Sabbaths?
A: Yes, many examples.

Q: Is the Weekly Sabbath a Feast?
A: Yes. Lev- 23:3

Q: Is the moon for Feasts?
A: Yes. Gen- 1:14 and Psm- 104:19

Q: Am I saying that the calendar count we use for today is a later invention?
A: Yes, it had to be if it was never used in the scripture.

Q: What are the strongest points for Sabbaths by the moon?
A: Gen. 1:14, Lev-23:3 and Psalms 104:19, and all the examples where the Sabbaths are pinpointed, are on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.

Q: What are the strongest points for Sabbath by Roman calendar, according to scripture?
A: There are none.

Q: Is there a $1,000.00 reward to anyone who can prove a weekly Sabbath on any other day than the above mentioned ?
A: Yes

For more information you may call or write to:
Bro. Arnold Bowen
3466 Hightower Tr.
Conyers, Georgia 30012 USA
Or call (770) 483-8542
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