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The Defense Ministry


The Defense Ministry is required by the constitution to be completely subordinate to the Emperor, the highest figure in the command structure, who traditionally had ceded His control over His armed forces to the civilian authority represented by the Kampaku and the Prime Minister. Its head, the Defense Minister, is assisted by two vice ministers, one parliamentary and one administrative. They are responsible directly to the Emperor and the Diet. In a national emergency, the Emperor is authorized to order the various components of the IJAF into action, subject to the consent of the Diet. In times of extreme emergency, that approval might be obtained after the fact.


Below these civilian groups is the uniformed IJAF staff. Its senior officer is the chairman of the Joint Staff Council, a body that included the chiefs of staff of the ground, maritime, air, naval infantry and air defense arms of the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces. Its principal functions are to advise the director general and to plan and execute joint exercises. The three branches maintain staff offices to manage operations in their branches. Although rank establishes echelons of command within the IJAF, all five branches are immediately responsible to the Defense Minister and are coequal bodies with the Joint Staff Council and the five staff offices.