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Imperial Japanese Navy




The Imperial Navy is the largest branch of the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces, and is responsible for protecting the Empire’s sovereignty and territorial integrity from all foreign threats. The IJN has been divided in three units: the Imperial Japanese Naval Infantry, the High Seas Fleet and the Imperial Homeland Guard Fleet.


These units have separate and very different tasks: the IJNI is the Empire’s “go anywhere” amphibious force and a key component of the Rapid Reaction Force. The High Seas Fleet is the unit responsible for the outer limits of the Empire, the defence of the civilian and military oceanic installations and the borders with foreign powers; while the Imperial Homeland Guard Fleet is responsible for the defence of the Home Islands.


The Imperial Japanese Navy is structured to provide the best defence of the Empire, and its known for its professionalism and superb training, and for always been primarily focused on defence. The IJN is responsible for the defence of Japanese territory, bases and assets throughout the Pacific ocean, in addition to the protection of the merchant and other ships that travel through foreign territories. Other tasks that are the responsibility of the IJN is to assist in the defence of Japan’s allies and friends; as well as maintaining and staffing the naval facilities in the Empire; the protection of Japanese merchant convoys leaving Japanese territory; attacking and raiding enemy territory and facilities; and identify and appropriately deal with any contact within Japanese territory.



Main units of the Imperial Japanese Navy


Since the development of portable AI-guided anti-air laser artillery (AIGAALA) systems, most navies has turned into almost entirely submarine forces. Traditional designations for these units remain, in spite of the disappearance of surface units. Generally the smaller units, like fast attack boats, corvettes and frigates, are either surface units or semi-submersible units, designed to protect the merchant ships (entirely surface ships) from airborne menaces, mainly anti-ship missiles and airdrones. Heavier units, like destroyers, cruisers, and Sea Control Ships, are entirely submarine, but able to engage surface, airborne and coastal menaces.



Fuji-class PTG Boats


Kashima- class Gunboats


Shikishima-class Patrol Cutters


Kuma-class Tenders


Kami-class Corvettes


Ibuki-class Assault Corvettes


Satsuma-class Mine Warfare (Minesweepers/Minelayers)


Tsubasa-class Coastal Mineplanters


Hyuga-class Semi-submersible Airdrone Carriers


Akizuki-class Transports


Taiyo-class Assault Transports


Tanaka-class Landing Ships


Setsu-class Submersible Landing Ships


Tsuki-class Submerged Facilities Patrol Frigates


Tsuba-class Patrol Frigate


Tsukuba-class Destroyers


Shiokaze-class Destroyers


Itsukushima-class Guided Missile Destroyers


Tenryu-class Guided Missile Cruisers


Minekaze-class Scout Cruisers


Nagara-class Light Cruisers


Chiyoda-class Large Cruisers


Yakumo-class Heavy Cruisers


Kongo-class Battlecruisers


Myoko-class Heavy Battlecruisers


Akagi-class Submarine Fighters Carriers


Ryuho-class Sea Control Ships