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They say that an image tells more than a thousand words:


From the blockbuster movie “Vladivostok” (1999)



Nuclear essay.

Bikar, Nan-yô Gunto. (1965)



Ainu aborigines.

(circa 1780)



Japanese propaganda.  Soviet-Japanese War

(Winter 1939)



Chi-Ha tank in Manchukuo (1939)



Chiba city, New Year Eve (2000)

What if…?

Possible consequence of a hypothetical Japanese attack to US territory.





A computer-enhanced satellital view of Japan (2002)



Japanese troops advancing

into Jehol, China.




The Kikka (Wild Orange Blossom), first Japanese jet fighter (1946)



Russian sailors resting after their ship was sunken.

Russo-Japanese War.





Japanese troops resting. Soviet-Japanese War.




Space view.

 Guam (US territory) and Saipan (Nan-yô Gunto Special prefecture)




Japanese tank destroyed. Merdeka War (1958)



Modern Japanese girl (2003)



Imperial Japanese Naval Infantry, Borneo (1959)



Japanese refugees.

Fusan, Choson (Pusan, Korea. 1940)



Samurais. (1862)



Japanese tank, Shanghai (1935)



Higashikuni temple (1654)



Admiral Nagumo strategic planning before the  Merdeka War (1958)



















These images were taken (should I say stolen?) from several websites. I cannot remember which ones. So, I will not give the due credit. Therefore, if you actually own some of this images, please tell me and I will erase it. Gracias.