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Japanese Space Program


To set foot on the soil of the asteroids, to lift by hand a rock from the Moon, to observe Mars from a distance of several tens of kilometres, to land on its satellite or even on its surface, what can be more fantastic? From the moment of using rocket devices a new great era will begin in astronomy: the epoch of the more intensive study of the firmament.

  - Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky, 1896.


The Space Age commenced during the early 1950s, when the Wehrmacht –and latter the Luftwaffe– perfected the Raketewissenschaft in an initial effort to develop a vehicle able to place a warhead in the distant Soviet industrial cities beyond the Urals, and latter they understood the immense possibilities related with the ability to place cargo in space: from scientific research to military superiority.


But among the Great Powers, Japan stands as the only one which didn’t participate in the “Space Race” of the 1960s an eary 1970s, with Germany and the United States as protagonist, and which culminated in August 8, 1973, when the German landing pod Mondkaninchen and its crew of three landed in Moon’s Mare Serenitatis.


The international situation and financial constrains forced Japan to take a more pragmatic position in regards to the “space race”. The Japanese Space Agency –founded in 1961– has directed its efforts mostly to the communication and military uses of the space, first by itself, and latter in cooperation with the Agence Spatiale Française and the Commonwealth Space Consortium.


In recent years the Japanese space program has put the emphasis in non-military aspects, while extolling advances in technology and promoting Japanese efforts to penetrate the market for commercial space services. However, the JSA have not ceased to seek the capacity to provide optimal space-based support for their terrestrial military forces.


The JSA currently operate about 20 types of space systems for military and civilian uses, including a manned space station (the now inactive Fukuko), reconnaissance, surveillance, launch detection and attack warning, support for strategic and tactical targeting, and the destruction of enemy spacecraft. Other satellites have a variety of missions, including radar elaboration, atmospheric density modeling, and spacecraft technology experimentation. Most of the remaining Japanese satellite systems have dual military-civilian use. These include communications, navigational, meteorological, earth resources, radar arraying oceanographic satellites, and various other experimental or developmental payloads.


By far the smallest category of Japanese satellites (about 35 percent) is assessed to be dedicated completely to military purposes, while the remaining satellites have dual or civilian and/or scientific purposes. These include interplanetary probes and biological research, environmental, and materials processing satellites.


The JSA continue to maintain and improve their operational satellite networks dedicated to the dual purpose of support of terrestrial military forces and peaceful and non-military research. In example, the JSA satellites, such as the Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellites (RORSAT), which can be used to locate and target enemy military forces, are clearly dedicated to support war fighting capabilities. On the other hand, the JSA has created the Pacific Navigation Satellite System (PANASS), as a space navigation system for Japanese civil aviation planes, merchant vessels, and fishing boats. Based on its 12 satellites, PANASS have a Pacific-wide, three-dimensional navigation capability. Other satellite systems, for communication, meteorological, and geodesic purposes provide support to the Japanese Empire's national economy and the interests of science and international cooperation.



Manned Operations


The Japanese manned space program occupies a unique position in Tokyo's space efforts. It is heavily publicized to promote the peaceful nature and technological advance of Japan's space program. The JSA initiated a very successful manned space program in 1990, concluding with the collocation in geo-stationary orbit of the Fukuko space laboratory eight years latter.


After 27 months of continuous manned presence, however, the crew was recalled due to the growing costs and the technical problems the JSA encountered with the expansion modules they plan to launch to the Fukuko. This hiatus in manned space activity, which reportedly will continue until 2004, represents a minor setback for the Japanese space laboratory program. It must be emphasized, however, that the JSA have made great progress in manned-space activity during the past several years, and the scheduled improvements include enhanced solar energy and electrical power systems, greater computer capabilities, and five docking ports. With Fukuko’s modernization, Japan have probably begun their permanent manned presence in space.


The JSA announced that international crew visits to the Fukuko complex will start in 2005, beginning with an Indonesian astronaut. An Iranian and a Brazilian are scheduled to visit Fukuko on separate flights during 2006, and the Japanese are evidently discussing similar missions with other countries. At least one such mission a year can be expected during Fukuko’s lifetime. Fukuko will conduct materials-processing experiments, semiconductor devices, infrared and optical detectors, and electro-optical systems.



Space Launch Systems


The Japanese space program's success is due largely to its versatile and reliable inventory of space launch vehicles (SLVs) and its space launch and support facilities. The JSA heavily relies in solid fuel rockets to place payloads in space, but it also counts with a space shuttle orbiter, the Sakigake, and its launch system, Suisei. The initial launch, flight, and return of Sakigake, conducted unmanned and entirely under automatic control on 15 November 1992, was a complete success. The demonstrated capability to conduct the mission unmanned, especially during landing, is an impressive technical achievement. When the Sakigake and the associated Suisei in the heavy-lift mode are fully operational, Japan will have a tremendous capacity to assemble and maintain in orbit large spacecraft and space structures; and the JSA will have greatly enhanced their ability to return large space station components, spacecraft, and significant amounts of materials to earth using their shuttle orbiter.


Development of a heavy-lift launch system with its main engines on the core vehicle rather than the orbiter gives the system the versatility to launch either an orbiter or other very heavy payloads. The Sakigake, for example, will be able to place payloads of over 100,000 kilograms into low-Earth orbit, and potential payloads for the Sakigake include modules for a large space station, components for manned and unmanned interplanetary missions, and perhaps directed-energy ASAT and ballistic missile defence weapons and other space-based components of the Japanese TMD program.



JSA’s future plans


The most ambitious space goal the Japanese have set is a long-stay mission in the Moon’s surface. To undertake such a mission, the Japanese would need to lift very heavy components into low Earth orbit and to assemble them there. The Sakigake will provide that capability. They would have to sustain the crew in moon’s surface for at least a year. A manned mission to the Moon is a major reason for the long stays Japanese crews will have to undertake on the Fukuko enhanced facility. The cost of such a mission would be tremendous, but the Japanese public would most likely expend the funds. Although very challenging, the JSA will be able to launch a manned mission to the Moon in the second decade of the 21st century and probably could conduct a non-stop fly-by mission to Mars before the end of that decade.



Space Program Costs


The high priority the Japanese are giving to their space program is reflected in the rapid overall growth of the program –a program that is absorbing a large share of the nation's most advanced and productive technology. Since the 1980s, the estimated costs of the Japanese space effort have more than doubled, owing largely to programs for the manned space laboratory, new launch vehicles, supporting facilities, and the shuttle orbiter. The projected rate of growth in the space program, driven by the ambitious space-based manned program and future communications satellites, is expected to outpace overall trends in both military spending and GNP well into the future.