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A brief résumé of several technological developments between the years 2005 and 2055.



Carbon nanotubes


In the early 1990s, scientists at the NEC Fundamental Research Laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan, discovered a tiny graphite-like structure with one hundred times the strength of steel and improve upon this figure with research and development. This microscopic structure, known as a carbon nanotube, with only 1/100,000 the thickness of a human hair, is akin to graphite: a sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a tight honeycomb pattern, stack after stack of such microscopic sheets. Carbon nanotubes are formed when the sheets of atoms are rolled into cylinders, and by the 2020s, the carbon nanotubes were successfully engineered, triggering a revolution of light weight superstrong construction. A renaissance in building begun, including megaprojects like the Hokkaido-Karafuto Bridge, the 1.2 miles high ChinaChem Tower of Shanghai, and the first Aquasphere, built in Sydney; among many other engineering marvels.


The relation of the carbon nanotubes with the UST begun in Deon International’s laboratories: the combination of new varieties of BS and carbon nanotubes created a new generation of composite materials, allowing the construction of high-pressure resistant materials with the strength in tension similar to diamond, and a mere fraction of the thickness of previous materials. The development of manufacturing chips dipped in carbon-rich protein solutions as the only practical way to manufacture the carbon nanotubes marked the ascent of Deon International as the largest corporation in history.






It all begun simply and innocently: France Telecom designed in the early 1990s a service originally intended as a replacement for the printed telephone directory, accessible through the telephone lines, known as Minitel. A few years later, Minitel was hailed as a cutting edge technological marvel, offering by 2002 to its seven million subscribers 25,000 different services, from train ticket reservations to check stock prices, to search the telephone directory, to online purchases, to access news, send “courrier-e” messages or enter the “chambers de causette”. The original Minitel terminals were handed out free to telephone subscribers, funded by the government, resulting in a high penetration rate among businesses and the public, even when they used text based small screens, uncomfortable keyboards, and slow connection speeds.


But the popularization of online services analogous to Minitel in other countries (known collectively as Nationwide Electronic Telecommunications, NET) helped to rise the quality of the service worldwide, and by 2006 the users of the different Minitel systems abandoned the “dumb” terminals and were logging on with DM500 high-speed colour computers, through telnet network protocols that access information on a remote server, over an end-to-end telephone line connection, allowing secure and private connections. Another of the advantages of the Minitel systems is that provides online access for many useful services without requiring a personal computer, both executives and farmers have been banking and transacting online.






In the early 1960s, Mikhail Merkulov at the Hydrodynamics Institute in Kiev realised that the solution to the problem holding back ordinary bodies moving through water –drag- was a phenomenon called cavitation. Cavitation, the formation of cavities or bubbles due to the reduction of pressure at various points on the body, causes pitting and erosion. But the idea of supercavitation is based in the formation of a single bubble or supercavity enveloping the moving object almost completely. This bubble generates an extremely low drag, because the body is surrounded by the water vapour in the supercavity, which has much lower viscosity and density, and very high speeds become possible. The most common use for supercavitating technology is in military hardware, particularly torpedoes and bullets, but it’s also used on commercial vessels, enabling them to double the speed they reached in the 2000s; and in aquaculture, where a supercavitating torpedo with a mooring line is fired down from the water's surface, maintaining the force needed to slam an anchor deep into the sea floor, unlike the antiquate system of divers or extensive underwater operations with traditional drag embedment anchors.




Artificial Intelligence


The origins of the concept of artificial intelligence can be traced back decades in popular science fiction, but as a true scientific pursuit it is a very young area of study. In the early XXI century, due to advances in the integration of computers, and the application of modern concepts of neuropsychology, enormous databases, some creative wiring, superfast hardware and statistics, the world's first true artificial intelligence (AI) appeared in the Advanced Computer Sciences Laboratory of the University of Cambrige in 2019.


The first AIs were extraordinarily expensive, and only a few governments and universities could afford them. AIs were laboriously designed and constructed by teams of human engineers, usually at considerable expense. Few AIs were available because the costs must be absorbed through mass production, which was justified only for toys, weapons and industrial systems such as automatic teller machines.


But after several combined computational and experimental approaches were proved, and by 2035 common electromechanical systems were being “boosted” with AIs and then fabricated robotically using rapid manufacturing technology, thus achieving autonomy of design and construction. However, the AIs generated until know through these processes are unable to think and reason at, or above, the level of a human being. Most of the AI, which has already been implemented in everything from automotive systems to videogames, are mere individual intelligent features that enhances current technologies.


But the growing autonomy of design and manufacture of the AIs lead to several fatal accidents when the AIs were used by unskilled or negligent users, therefore most modern AIs (except the most primitive ones) are created with built-in limitations, so humans can have the final say and therefore take the final responsibility.




Nuclear fusion (hot fusion)


The development of the peaceful nuclear fusion power commenced in 2005 with the start of the first Nuclear Fusion Power Plant (NFPP) in Germany in the town of Aschaffenburg. The power of the First NPP was only 5 MWe, but it was followed by a steep growth of NFPPs all over the world.


The NFPP was the result of the experimentation with magnetic confinement of plasma on toroidal magnetic configurations (known as Tomakam) creating the first prototype of a working thermonuclear reactor: control over the nuclear fusion was obtained applying a laser control module beam to plasma burning hot at the temperature of millions of degrees where heavy hydrogen tritium interacted ensuring tremendous energy liberation.


The plasmic chamber is placed inside the laser device resonator, placing the mirrors of the laser at both sides of the tomakam in such a way that the beam is alternately reflected from them and intensified, and crosses the plasma several times. Such construction, called multiple-pass, generates the emanation impulse possessing the energy which is high enough for controlling the reaction.


By the 2030s there were about 300 operating Tomakam nuclear reactors in the world with the total installed capacity of 2000 GWe. Nuclear fusion power (NFP) provides now about 70% of the world electricity. Thus, in a quarter of a century the capacity of NFP increased from 5 to 2000000 MWe. It is difficult to find in history another example of such quick penetration of an energy technology into the life of the society.




Earth Crust Deep Drilling


ECDD or laser drilling is a relatively new technique that uses powerful energy beams, avoiding the inconveniences of traditional drilling: continuously change bits depending on the rock layer being drilled, bring broken rock out of the deepening hole, replace worn-out and broken drill bits, and use costly heavy solid systems to plug the drilling formation and maintain a constant pressure against sudden high-pressure pockets.


Advanced chemical lasers reaches rates of penetration 100 times that of conventional rotary drilling techniques may be attainable, and can vaporize holes through rock of all lithologies: shales, limestones, dolomites, granites, salts and sandstones of different composition and cleanliness. At the same time the laser fuse rock into a glass or ceramic-like sheath around the hole, forming a ready-made sealed casing automatically set into the well bore at the same time as drilling.


Pioneered by the Macronesian Alliance, this technology robed all opportunity to Lunar and asteroidal mining to develop, because mineral resources that used to be out of the reach of drilling machinery can now be easily extracted: the mining hole near Wewak (Papua Province) has extracted large bedrock copper-gold-molybdenum anomalies from 3.000 meters depth.