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A brief history of the world: 1938 to 2002


I’d like to take this space to thank Terence Co and Randy McDonald

for their always gentile commentaries and ideas.

Any error or implausibility is -of course- entirely my fault.


Year 1938


March 12: Austria integrated as part of Germany (Anschluss).


May 1938: Japan launches offensives in southern China.


August 7: Soviet invasion of Manchukuo. Soviet-Japanese War.


September 29: The Munich Pact is signed by Daladier of France, Chamberlain of Great Britain, Mussolini of Italy, and Germany's Hitler. Germany renounces any further territorial claims against its neighbours. Neville Chamberlain proclaims "Peace in our time".


October 1: German troops begin occupying the Sudetenland region (some 11,500 square miles of territory) of Czechoslovakia.


November 30: After the swift Soviet victories over Japan in Manchukuo, Hitler declared: “the moment for the demise of our hereditary enemy, France, is coming”.


December 1: Daladier says France is obligated to prepare in case of German aggression, with the Soviet Union distracted in the East.



Year 1939


February 23: Chamberlain informs Parliament that Britain must be bound to come to France's aid if war breaks out with Germany. Three weeks later a Franco-British Mutual Defence Pact is announced since any hope of Soviet intervention in behalf of France or Britain had disappeared.


June 1: The British Commonwealth declares its “unconditional” support to France.


August 23: In Moscow a Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression pact is announced. Actually is a mere manoeuvre to gain time: for Stalin to finish the Japanese, and for Hitler to prepare the attack against Poland.


September 2: Representatives of the Japanese government and the Japanese armed forces formally devolved all occupied territory in China to the Chinese government by signing the Treaty of Peace and Reconciliation in Tokyo.


September 25: German invasion of Poland.


October 20: Germany finished the conquest of Poland. Border clashes with Soviet forces.


December 15: Japanese forces evacuated Fusan (Pusan). End of the Soviet-Japanese War.



Year 1940


January 7: Hitler ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union. After the Soviet hard-fought victory over Japan in Korea, he’s convinced that the Soviet Union would be an easy prey.


April 22: In Operation Schwarzwald Germany invades the Soviet Union. Soviet-German War. Between May and October Germany occupied most of the western Soviet provinces.


July 17: Italy invades Yugoslavia. Mussolini sent a message to Hitler that afternoon: “I am a modern conqueror, too.”


July 23: Italy declares its neutrality in the German - Soviet conflict.


August 5: In exchange of the city of Memel and free pass through its territory, Germany ceded the city of Vilnius and its hinterland to Lithuania.


October 18: Danzig, the Corridor and other Polish territory in annexed by Germany.


November 7: First battle of Moscow.



Year 1941


January: Soviet winter offensive repelled the Germans towards Minsk.


May 4: Taking advantage of Soviet almost total withdrawal from Manchuria, KMT troops initiated an offensive against their communist rivals in north-eastern China. By June the KMT troops recaptured the Chinese province of Jehol.


June-October: Second German campaign against the Soviet Union. Hitler ordered immediate attacks aimed at Leningrad, Moscow, and the Caucasus.


October-November: Second Battle of Moscow. The Red Army initiated another winter offensive after the German defeat in Moscow.


November 1: Mussolini convinced the Hungarian government to join the war against Yugoslavia.


November 28: Hitler, Göring, Goebbels, Bormann, Himmler, Von Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders died in a complot organized by the OKW. The assassinations are followed by open confrontation between the Nazi Party, the SS and the Wehrmacht.


December: The Germans are evicted from most of the territories previously occupied.



Year 1942


January 6: Gerd von Rundstedt is declared new German chancellor.


March 17: Croatian nationalists raised against the Serbian-controlled Yugoslavian government.


June 1: Germany and the Soviet Union signed an armistice. End of the Soviet-German War.


June 17: A German token force is sent to Yugoslavia. The new German government considered that an Italian defeat could bring the Anglo-French Alliance into the Adriatic.


June 29: Italian troops reached Ljubljana.


September 1: Croatian kingdom established  under an Italian royal family. Effective power, although, was held by Dr. Ante Pavelic, leader of the Croatian nationalist Movement.


November 17: The Italian and Yugoslavian armies ceased all offensive activity, after the acceptation of Swedish mediation between both governments.



Year 1943


February 13: Peace treaty signed between Italy, Hungary, Croatia and Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia recognized the Italian annexation of the Adriatic coast and Slovenia, the Hungarian claim over the Magyar-populated section of the Voivodina, and the independence of the Croatian kingdom.


April 17: The German military government established a suitable Polish government. Polish independence restored. However, Germany kept security troops in Polish territory.


May 15: After a progressive deterioration of bilateral relations, France annulled its security treaty with Britain, because “the Royal Navy cannot defend Paris” against the war-weary but still powerful Germany.


August 15: France and the Soviet Union signed a Mutual Defence Treaty aimed at Germany and the other Axis Powers.


September 1: In response to the Franco-Soviet treaty, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania and Romania signed the Europäische Sicherheit Abkommen (European Security Accord, ESA), still dubbed as “the Axis” by some people).


October 15: Finnish, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish diplomats met in Stockholm to discuss a common security policy.


December 2: The Soviets withdrew from Korea, leaving  some “advisers” behind.



Year 1944


January 30: Britain and Japan signed a military alliance.


February 22: After several nationalist riots that menaced the British oil facilities in Iran, British troops occupies the country and implanted an informal protectorate.


April 5: KMT war effort collapsed. Sino-Soviet Treaty of Moscow: the Chinese government recognized the independence of Manzhouguo, Mongolia and Sinkiang, promptly annexed by the Soviet Union.


June 1: The last Jewish ghetto in Germany is officially closed.


June 30: France closed its Île du Diable penal colony, in Guyana.


September 9: Kim Il Sung proclaimed himself as the "Supreme Leader" of the Korean People's Republic (KPR).


October 4: U.S. and European scientist achieved the first self-sustained nuclear “chain reaction” in the nuclear facilities in Taos, New Mexico.



Year 1945


April 10: Inauguration of the Paris Conference. French, Belgian, Dutch, Italian and Luxembourgese diplomats discussed the European situation.


May 13: Syria proclaims its independence from France as the Arab Republic of Syria, but French troops remained in the country until 1950.


June 1: The German government forced Germany’s Jewish population to leave the country.


August 6: Nothing special happened.


August 9: Another common day.


October 1: Official proclamation of the People's Socialist Democratic Republic of Manzhouguo. 


November 17: The Republic of China formulated its "Three No Policy" ("no negotiation, no compromise, no contact") towards Manzhouguo, Mongolia and the Soviet Union.


December 2: Germany officially annexed its Bohemian protectorate as the länder of Böhmen.



Year 1946


January 12: Socialist uprising in Greece, rapidly put down by the Greek army.


February-June: Border clashes between Peru and Ecuador.


April 7: Italy officially withdrew from the Axis.


June 2: Australia started a military build-up vis-à-vis the deteriorating situation in the Netherlands East Indies and the growing German presence in the South China Sea.


August: KMT troops defeated the last Communist guerrillas in China proper.


September 1: The Philippine colonial government hold a referendum regarding its future political status.


October 4: A Soviet-inspired communist rebellion in northern Iran is defeated by the Iranian Imperial Army.



Year 1947


March 5: India became an independent country. However, Baluchistan, Ceylon and Burma remained as integral parts of the British Empire.


March 31: Germany tested its first long-range missile: 800 km with a 250 km warhead.


April 6: Britain and Norway signed a series of economical and military accords.


July 4: The U.S. conceded independence to Philippines. However, the U.S. kept its military bases in the country.


July 7: Japan became the first Asian country to recognize Filipino independence.


October 14: Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Slovakia, Croatia and Bulgaria signed the Europäische Zollamt Vereinigung (European Custom Association, EZV), a custom union created to serve as an economic complement of the European Security Accord.


November 4: First atomic bomb detonated in the Nevada desert.



Year 1948


February 3: Holland joined the EZV.


February 13: France and the Soviet Unions conducted their first joint naval exercises in the Pacific.


April 4: Philippines under martial law: the government justified this measure as necessary to keep public order and quell Islamic and Marxist opposition.


June 3: Éire (Ireland) broke its last bounds with the English Crown.


September 4: Collapse of the League of Nations. The “Cold Peace”.


December 1: “La Violencia”. Colombia sunk into civil disorders that degenerated in civil war.


December 15: Brazil and Germany signed several economic accords, to the chagrin of the U.S.



Year 1949


January: Beginning of the “Hukbalahap” rebellion in Philippines.


February 13: Yi-yul-dan terrorists (Cho Dong Gun, Hong Jong Wu, Paik Yong Bu, and Cho Young Ja) attacked the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. The Emperor Showa was severely maimed.


February 23: Japan’s Crown Prince, Naruhito, succeeded Emperor Showa


August 20: Expulsion of all Koreans from Japan completed.


September 4: Benito Mussolini died. The “de-Mussolinization” process ended with an authoritarian parliamentary regimen in charge.


October 12: Emperor Heisei Crowned.


November 12: Emperor Showa died.


December 1: Baluchistan gained its independence as a British Dominion, with capital in Karachi. Baluchistan joined the British Commonwealth.



Year 1950


January 1: “Great Reform” in Japan. “Heisei Democracy”.


March 15: Finland and Germany signed a treaty of Friendship and Economic Cooperation.


March 20: Siam changed its name to Muang Thai (Thailand).


March 30: Germany detonated its first atomic bomb in a subterranean test.


April 17: French troops withdrew from Syria: the latter assumed full sovereignty.


August 23: France, Belgium and Luxembourg signed the “Accord Européen de Libre-Échange (AELE), as a mean to boost economic growth and compete with the “German bloc”, as the EZV is popularly known.


July 7: Turkey acceded to German demands for a Luftwaffe base near Ankara.


November 1: First free elections in Germany since the ascension to power of Adolph Hitler.



Year 1951


January 15: China and Japan signed a limited trade accord, initiating the first formal trade between this two countries since 1939.


March 12: Oil discovered in Libya.


April 9: Britain conceded internal autonomy to its Burmese colony.


July 2: Liechtenstein joined the EZV.


July 15: Britain and Egypt reached an agreement to end the British protectorate over Egypt next year.


September 27: The Mexican government nationalized its oil industries, the “Expropiación Petrolera”.


November 2: Italy annexed its Libyan colony into metropolitan Italy: the territory was divided in three provinces: Tripolitania, Cirenaica and Fezzan.



Year 1952


January 1: Spain and Portugal joined the AELE.


February 23: The Brazilian government begun the construction of the new Brazilian capital: Brasilia.


March 1: Japan and China signed a formal peace treaty.


June 4: Manzhouguo demanded from the Japanese Government the deportation of former Manchukuan emperor Pu-yi to be judged in that country. Japan refused.


July 17: Britain detonated its first atomic bomb in the Australian outback.


September 4: France detonated its first atomic bomb in French Polynesia.


September 24: Border clashes between France and Germany.



Year 1953


March 6: China ceased to claim Tibet as part of China, but never acknowledged the Tibetan independence.


May 3: Germany and China initiated the formation of a German Chinese Fleet. The Hochseeflotte  send the first group of light vessels to the South China Sea.


July 31: Britain initiated a plan to reduce in one third its colonial forces.


August 2: The Abwehr (German Military Intelligence) destroyed the Soviet spy ring known as the “Red Orchestra”.


August 7: The Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb in Kazakhstan.


September 1: Army coup in Argentina. The Army and some Air Force and Navy cadres took control of the country.


September 29: The U.S. Air Force is established as a distinct military branch.



Year 1954


January 1: The Imperial Japanese Government authorized the formation of the Taiwanese National Assembly in Taihoku.


February 4: France initiated an ambitious program of naval construction.


April 3: India amended its constitution to grant the central government the power to change the Indian states boundaries to its convenience.


May 17: Ceylon gained its independence as the Republic of Sri Lanka.


August 3: Venezuela and Britain clashes over the boundary of the British colony of Guyana.


October 5: Burma acceded to independence as the Union of Myanmar.


October 26: Thai troops are repelled from the Myanmarese border zones by the remaining British troops.



Year 1955


February 23: Thailand recognized the international border with Myanmar as provisional.


April 11: Colombia claimed the San Andrés island as part of its territory. Nicaragua and Honduras protested this intrusion in its territorial waters.


May 6: France initiated the construction of a rocket test centre in its Guyanese colony.


June 3-11: Low level governmental officers from Japan and the Soviet Union discussed their territorial dispute, with no results.


June 29: Germany inaugurate its Ostwand, a intricate radar network along the Soviet border.


July 11: The Chinese government released an inform claiming that China has finally surmounted its economic recession.


October 2: A Czech nationalist manifestation in Prague is brutally put down by the German police.



Year 1956


January-March: Border clashes between Ecuadorian and Peruvian forces degenerated in open war. Peru occupied and annexed a third of Ecuador’s Amazonian territory.


January 22: Japan tested its first atomic bomb in Nan-yo Gunto Special Prefecture.


April 18: Britain concede independence to Sierra Leone. The country joins the Commonwealth.


August 8: Britain transform Singapore into a self-governing colony, the already large military facilities were expanded to support British strategic position in South East Asia.


September 18: The imam Ahmed, leader of Yemen, was assassinated. Britain assumed the administration of the territory.


October 1: Britain conceded independence to Nigeria. Nigeria joined the Commonwealth.


December: The Kabaka (king) of Buganda lead an uprising against the Belgian forces in Kampala.



Year 1957


January-February: Belgian forces defeated the Kabaka forces and impose order in Congo’s eastern regions.


February 14: “Saint Valentine Massacre”. Street riots in Londonderry ended in a bloody battle between British and IRA forces.


March-April: Mexican forces with some U.S. backing defeat a nascent guerrilla force in Guerrero.


June 30: Revolutionary forces defeat Fulgencio Batista’s forces outside Santiago.


August 1: Italy organized the “Aegean Summit” as an effort to end its isolation after the war with Yugoslavia.


September 17: Jordanian and British diplomats assembled in Jerusalem to discuss th terms for a British withdrawal from Palestine.


September 18: Uruguay and Argentine reached an accord to divide the Río de la Plata waters.



Year 1958


March 12: Nationalist guerrillas led by Raúl and Fidel Castro encircled La Habana. 


March 22: Britain recognized Jordan’s independence. The Hashemite Kingdom of  Jordan assumed sovereignty over the former British territories of Trans-Jordan and Palestine.


April 13: USMC forces invaded Cuba. Fulgencio Batista is reinstalled as Cuban president.


April-December: In one of its last colonial wars, Britain crushed the Kikuyu insurrection in its colony of Zanzibar.


June 7: France renounced its protectorate over Morocco.


July 15: Liberia acceded to U.S. demands for permanent military facilities in that country.


December 4: Josef Stalin died in Moscow. Brief power struggle within the Soviet government.



Year 1959


January 1: The Merdeka War. 


March 2: The Dutch army surrendered Batavia. End of the Merdeka War.


March 24: Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia organized the Arab League.


May 18: Nikita Khrushchev proclaimed himself as new Soviet leader.


June 2: The Royal Navy laid the keel of the first atomic submarine, the H.M.S. Indefatigable.


September 1: Indonesia proclaimed its independence. Japan immediately recognized the Indonesian independence.


November 26: France recognized the Lebanese independence. The new Repúblique du Liban proposed a close relation with France, that served as the base for the French Union.


December 12: Britain conceded independence to its Zanzibari colony, which proclaim its independence as the Republic of Kenya.



Year 1960


January 1: Taiwan gained its independence as the “Democratic Republic of Taiwan”.


February 10: Creation of the "Taiwanese-Japanese Mutual Defence and Assistance Agreement" and the Military Aid and Assistant Group (M.A.A.G).


May 9: The “Masaryk’s Army” initiated its bombing campaign: its objective is the expulsion of the Germans from Czech lands.


July 14: Formation of the first independent workers movement in the Soviet Union. Beginning of the “Soft Revolution”.


September 1: Indonesia proclaimed its independence from Holland and Japan.


November 5: Germany accused Slovakian president Dubcek of collaboration with the “Masaryk’s Army” and forces his renounce. Gustav Husak proclaimed new Slovakian president.


December 2: China extended its "Three No Policy" towards Taiwan: "no negotiation, no compromise, no contact".



Year 1961


January-April: Indonesian and Japanese troops quelled several rural revolts inspired by the Communist Party. Those incidents resulted in the proscription of all communist activities by the Indonesian Congress.


May 19: Greece’s Military Junta is replaced by a democratic government.


June 2: Greece, Turkey and Britain initiated conversations over the future status of Cyprus.


July-December: Khrushchev leads the Soviet Union to open confrontation with China and the ESA (Germany and its European allies). Bloody border battles, specially in the Uighuristan (Sinkiang) border with China.


July: India occupied and annexed the Portuguese territories of Goa, Damão and Diu.


September: The Frente de Liberação do Moçambique (FRELIMO)  initiated military actions against Portuguese troops.


October 23: Nationalist Army coup in Hungary ousted Nicolas Horty from power. Karl IV enthroned as King of Hungary.


November 9: Ruanda-Urundi is annexed into the Belgian Congo.



Year 1962


January 1: Britain retired its troops from Iran: end of the British protectorate.


January 13: Greece and Serbia joined the AELE.


April 13: Japan recognized the new Iranian national government: both governments initiate economical and political relation.


July 1: In spite of criticism from Germany and other countries, Italy joins the AELE. It’s the first country to join both economic blocs.


July 2: In the Evian conference, France and Algerian nationalist convened in a independence process timetable, with full Algerian independence by 1965.


August 18: The Kuomintang party allows free municipal elections in several cities.


November 2: The Union of Myanmar gained its independence from Britain, and immediately joined the Commonwealth. 



Year 1963


January 1: Creation of the French Union, a political entity that comprised metropolitan France (the 90 departments of continental France and Corsica); French overseas departments, territories, settlements, League of Nation Mandates; French colonies, which became overseas departments of France; and associate states.


January 25: A treaty recognizing Japanese sovereignty over the former League of Nations’ Pacific Mandates was signed in Washington, D.C.,


February 4: Treaty of Nicosia. Britain, Greece and Turkey agreed to divide Cyprus between the former two: approximately two thirds of the island went to Greece, while the rest was annexed by Turkey. Clashes between military forces and civilians along the new border started almost immediately.


May 30: France conceded independence to Vietnam, but the new government under emperor Bao Dai allowed France to keep aero-naval forces in the country, and joined the French Union as an associate state.


June 2: “Soft Revolution” in the USSR. Nikita Khrushchev is deposed by a coalition of pragmatic party leaders, “workers’ associations” (independent syndicates) and the   military. End of border clashes with the ESA and China.


August 25: Holland officially recognized Indonesian independence, but refuses to sign a peace treaty with Japan.


November 1: Creation of the “East Asian Free Trade Area”: a loose mercantile federation of Japan, Taiwan and Indonesia.



Year 1964


February 5: Egyptian king Fuad I deposed by the military: General Mohamed Naguib proclaimed himself President of Egypt.


May 1: New Soviet constitution granted much more economic liberties to common citizens.


May 15: The Manzhouguan government leased for 99 years its naval base in Lushun to the Soviet Navy.


July 1: Denmark is accepted in the AELE.


July 26: Britain granted independence to Tanganyika, but kept its protectorate over the Sultanate of Zanzibar


August 7: Côte d’Ivoire gained its independence.


September 8: Army coup in Bulgaria: the monarchy is abolished. 


November 10: Tunis gained its independence; the new Tunisian government acceded to lease its naval base of Bizerte to France for the next 50 years. The country also joined the French Union.



Year 1965


April 18: Holland and Japan signed a peace treaty. Also by the terms of the treaty, Holland recognized Indonesian independence.


March 3: Japan and the Soviet Union resumed their diplomatic relations. However, the status of northern Sakhalin/Karafuto eschewed a peace treaty between both nations.


May 8: Ferdinand Marcos is elected as president in the Philippines.


June 2: Algeria gained its independence. In the following moths the country joined the French Union and the AELE.


July 1: Ghana proclaimed its independence, and I. K. Acheampong is elected as its first president.


September: The Greek Navy failed in its intent to depose the civilian authorities.


October 12: Italy accused the new Egyptian government of fomenting “civil disorder” among the Arab population in its Libyan provinces.



Year 1966


February 18: The Gambia acceded to independence.


May 1: In Worker’s Day Proclamation the Soviet government announced the steady growth in the Soviet economy.


June 12: Italy conceded autonomy to Somalia.


August 8: Germany sent the first human crew to the Moon.


October 1: Britain proclaimed the end of its protectorate over Sudan. Immediately the Egyptian government claim almost the entire country as part of Egypt.


October 8: The Vietnamese government granted some autonomy to its Cambodian provinces, in order to appease the Cambodian guerrillas.


November-December: Aerial and naval clashes between Egypt and Saudi Arabia.


November 30: Gabon gained independence as the République Gabonaise, and immediately joined the French Union.



Year 1967


March 4: The French government amended the founding act of the French Union to allow the new members an easier access to technology and capital services.


March-May: a renewed Cuban uprising is crushed by the USMC.


May 6: Bolivia and Brazil accorded to place clear signalling in the disputed Acre border.


July 9: Peruvian Army forces and Colombian nationalist clashed in the Leticia Quadrilateral.


July 12: FRELIMO (Frente de Liberaçaõ do Moçambique) proclaimed that its forces imposed its control on Mozambique’s westernmost zones.


July 23: Peru bought four old Japanese submarines to cement is strategic position in South America.


December 4: The U.S. sent a military mission to Ecuador in order to serve as a counterweight to Peruvian measures.



Year 1968


January 12: Colonel Odumegwu Ojuwu proclaimed the independence of the Ibo people: Republic of Biafra secede from Nigeria.


January 31: Britain conceded Nauru with internal autonomy.


March 13: Nepalese revolutionaries, backed by India, deposed the military caste of the Rana, and enthroned king Mahendra as absolute monarch.


July 17-27: Naval clashes off the Svalbard Islands between Soviet and Norwegian forces.


September 1: The New Zealand Parliament created the Tribal Chieftains Council, to represent the Maori population.


December 12: The Nigerian federal troops, without international support, are defeated by the Ibo troops, several countries recognized the Ibo republic, but Nigeria refused to recognize it until 1988.


December 12: The leadership of the “Awami League”, which demanded more autonomy for Bengala, is arrested and executed under treason charges.



Year 1969


February 25: Egyptian-inspired coup in Sudan. Former government fled to the southern provinces. Sudanese civil war.


April 26: Vietnamese emperor Bao Dai deposed by nationalist military coup. France is forced to leave its naval bases in Indochina (Danang and Cam Ranh Bay).


May 23: Saudi Arabia and Britain signed a mutual defence pact.


July 30: Francisco Franco proclaimed that Juan Carlos de Borbón would be his successor as Spain’s Chief of State.


September 30: Britain concede independence to Botswana.


August: Southern Sudan’s Black population initiated an independence war, backed by Italy.


December 10: Dahomey gained independence and joined the French Union.



Year 1970


January 1: France recognized the independence of Caméroun. Two moths later it joined the French Union.


April 19: Holland joined the AELE.


April 23: Sino-Tibetan War. The Chinese invaded the western provinces of Tibet, but international pressure, specially from India, forced China to limit its occupation to the Tibetan province of Kham.


March 1: Britain conceded independence to Malaysia. Singapore is separated from Malaysia and turned into a British colony.


March 12: Belgium reorganized its municipal and provincial division to reflect its two ethnic communities: both are grated more economical and cultural powers at the regional level.


June 1: End of the Anglo-Japanese alliance.


September 5-30: Italo-Egyptian War. Italian forces attacked Egypt’s border bases and Libyan guerrillas’ training camps. Most of Egypt’s naval and air forces are destroyed.


November 30: Britain conceded independence to the Southern Arabia Federation: the new country renamed itself and the Federation of Yemen.  The new country leased the naval base of Socotra to the British for the next 50 years.



Year 1971


January 1: Creation of the new League of Nations. End of the “Cold Peace”.


January 23: Britain concede independence to Ghana. Ghana joined the Commonwealth.


July 21: The kingdom of Bhutan in occupied by Indian troops, after anti-monarchist riots in Thimbu, capitol of the Himalayan kingdom.


August: Angolan nationalist guerrillas defeated by Portuguese troops. Portugal and moderate nationalist initiated negotiations in Nova Lisboa (Luanda).


October 21: Italy granted internal autonomy to Ethiopia.


December 3: the British granted independence to the Emirate of Bahrain. Bahrain joined the Commonwealth.


December: Nyassaland, and Northern and Southern Rhodesia are federated by Britain: the new Zimbabwe Federation joined the British Commonwealth as an independent country.



Year 1972


January 13: China officially annexed the Tibetan province of Kham to the Chinese province of Sichuan. Tibet and the rest of the regional powers refused to accept the annexation. Tibet breaks diplomatic relations with China.


January 23: Thai Forces invaded Vietnam. Thai-Vietnamese war.


February 18: Gambia proclaimed its independence from Britain, but joined the Commonwealth.


July 17: South African troops invaded Mozambique. The South African War.


August 17: The president of Gabon, León M’ba, is deposed in a military coup d’etat.


August 20: French troops invaded Gabon and imposed M’ba as president.


November 29: Dahomey joined the AELE.


December 4: The French autonomous territory of Ubangui-Chari gained independence as the Republic of Bangui.



Year 1973


January 30: Japan broke an armistice between Thailand and Vietnam.


March 6: Franco-Italian negotiations over its Libyan border left the Aouzou Territory provisionally under French sovereignty.


March 7: the League of Nations negotiate a cease-fire in the Belgian Congo, between Belgian colonial troops and independents guerrillas.


June 23: Peace treaty between the Soviet Union and the ESA countries.


July 9: Sardar Mohamed Daud dethroned the last Afghan king and the new government proclaimed the adoption of the Republican form of government.


July 30: South African forces detonated a nuclear weapon in Mozambique: the South African war became the first nuclear conflict of history.


August 4: Italy granted internal autonomy to Eritrea.


August 8: The first human beings -German mission Mondkaninchen- reached the Moon.


September 5: South African troops surrendered to the League forces. End of the South African War.


October: Anti-government riots in Myanmar are quelled with the help of Indian troops. 


December 16: Tibet and India signed a Mutual Defence treaty.


Namibia acceded to independence, 



Year 1974


January 15: France ceded internal autonomy to its southern Equatorial Africa colony.


February 3: Italy conceded independence to the Albanian kingdom under an Italian dynasty.


May 17: Portugal concede internal autonomy to Guinea Bissau.


May 17: France granted independence to Togo, the Republique Togolaise joined the French Union.


July 19: Britain ceased its protectorate over seven Persian Gulf emirates. The emir of Abu-Dhabi promptly annexed the other six and proclaimed the Emirate of Abu-Dhabi.


July 30: Indian troops occupied and annexed Sikkim.


August 1: “The Nuclear Treaty”. The Nuclear Powers (the U.S., Germany, the Soviet Union, Britain, France, Japan, Italy), in spite of the condemnation of other powers, accorded to keep their monopoly over all their nuclear know-how and related technologies.


August 15: the French territory of Central Congo achieved independence as the République du Congo.


September 4: After a series of bloody border battles between Turkey and Greece, the League of nation arranged a ceasefire.


October 24: Belgium conceded independence to its Congolese colony.



Year 1975


January 2: Australia joined the AELE under a “special partnership” agreement. New Zealand joined this organization the next day.


January 26: Portugal annexed the Cabo Verde archipelago as an overseas province.


June 10: Portugal granted independence to Mozambique.


June 23: Holland concede independence to Surinam.


September 15: Spain agreed to cede Ifni to Morocco, but declared its intention to keep several coastal enclaves and the Spanish Sahara territory.


October 1: After a successful plebiscite, the Greeks decided to abolish the monarchy and turn into a republic.


October-December: “Guerra del Magreb”: Spain forced Morocco by force to recognize the annexation of the Spanish Sahara to metropolitan Spain. 


November 20: Francisco Franco died. He was replaced by Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco.



Year 1976


January 6: Marxist guerrillas attacked and briefly occupied Vietnamese city of Phnom Penh; where they declared the Khmer Republic.


March 17: Peace treaty between Spain and Morocco. The latter recognized the Spanish annexation of its Saharan territory and ceded all the coastal enclaves to Spain for the next 100 years.


May 14: Admiral Carrero Blanco is assassinated by an Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA) commando. Two days later Juan Carlos de Borbón was proclaimed as Rey Juan Carlos I.


July 12: Portugal concede independence to São Tomé e Príncipe.


July 27: The Spanish “Cortes” (Parliament) called general elections. The monarchists are narrowly defeated: is proclaimed the new “República Federada de España” and a new constitution.


August 4: Britain granted more autonomy, including a Executive Counsel, to its Fijian colony.


September 30: Botswana gained independence and is accepted in the British Commonwealth.


November 1: Belgium recognized Congolese independence.



Year 1977


March 22: Indian invaded Nepal. After several countries protested before the League of Nations, Indian called back its troops.


March-June: Iraqi and Iranian forces clashed over the Shatt-al-Arab border. 


April 1: The French territory of Tchad gained its independence as the Repúblique du Tchad.


May 22: India detonated its first nuclear fission bomb in the Thar Desert.


October 2: The French territory of Rivières du Sud gained its independence as the Repúblique de Guineé (Guinea).


October 28: Czech ultra-nationalist group destroyed the Municipal Building in Prag (Prague).


November: The Spanish colonies of Fernando Póo and Río Muni are federated as the colony of Muni.



Year 1978


January 3: Éire joined the AELE.


February 9: the Emirate of Qatar gained its independence from Britain, but accepted to sign  a defence pact with the latter, and joined the British Commonwealth.


May-June: Borders clashes between Romanian and Hungarian forces. Germany forced both countries to present their dispute to the League of Nations.


June-December: The “Haddock War” between Iceland and Britain.


September 1: Portugal recognized the independence of Guinea-Bissau.


October 5: Italy conceded internal autonomy to its provinces of Slovenia and Zara.


November 21: Iran nationalized the oil industries operating in that country.



Year 1979


February 6: the Îles Comores are annexed to France as its new département d'outre-mer.


June 19: Britain renounced its protectorate over Kuwait. The new nation is recognized by almost all the other Persian Gulf powers, excepting Iraq.


June 26: Madagascar gained its independence as the Repúblique Démocratique Malgache. The island nation joined the French Union two days later.


July 7: William Tubman, president of Liberia, was deposed by the military. The U.S recognized the new government.


October: the Indian government recognized the “Free Tamil Republic” declared by Sri Lankan Tamil separatists based in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.


November 16: After several years of disputes over the Aouzou Territory, Italian mechanized forces invaded Chad, advancing to the 16th parallel, effectively cutting Chad in half.


December 1: Brunei approved in a plebiscite its status as British protectorate.



Year 1980


January 14: The League of Nations arranged a ceasefire between Italy and Chad.


February 1: Thailand and Vietnam signed a definitive peace treaty. Thailand gained the Lao provinces of Sayabouri, opposite Luang Prabang in the north, and Champassak, opposite Pakse in the south; and the Cambodian provinces of Battambang, Sisophon, and Siem Reap.


July-September: Military clashes between Chad and Italy in the ceasefire line.


July 17: Britain built a powerful air base in the isle of Gan (Maldives Islands colony).


July 30: Namibia acceded to independence. The League of Nations troops (mostly British and Angolan) withdrew a month later.


October 4: The last Libyan guerrilla leaders are captured by Italian security forces.


November 4: Almost a year after commencing hostilities, Chad ceded to Italy the Aouzou Territory, a large stretch of desolate land, with an extension of 72.000 square kilometres, and located in the middle of the Sahara Desert.


November 24: France arranges the federation of its former colonies of Senegal and Mali: the Fédération du Mali joined the French Union.



Year 1981


April 9: The Sri Lankan government accused India of sending Indian Army regulars to the island in support of Tamil separatists.


April 19: Holland concede independence to its colony of Surinam.


June 2: Prime Minister Hiraoka Kimitake declared a 200-mile Maritime Exclusion Zone around Sri Lanka, with the intent of weakening Indian supply and reinforcement efforts. Sri Lankan Crisis.


June 25: Through the mediation of the League of Nations, Portugal ceded its control over Moçambique to the pro-independence Mozambican guerrillas (FRELIMO), but refused to recognize Mozambican independence until the next year.  


September 21: The population of Malta confirmed its status as British colony in a plebiscite.


November: End of the Sri Lankan Crisis. Since then Japan keeps a small detachment of IJNI forces in the island.


November 28: the French colony of Mauritanie joined the Fédération du Mali.


December 7: The Seychelles are turned into a self-governing British territory.



Year 1982


January 31: Japan and Sri Lanka signed a mutual defence pact.


August 26: The island of Nauru is formally annexed by Australia.


October 12: Spain conceded independence to its Muni colony. The República de Río Muni elected Francisco Matías Nguema as its first president.


May 5: Under Japanese auspices, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam joined the “East Asian Free Trade Area”, which was reorganized to strength the economic bonds between its members, wishing to emulate the increasing economic consolidation in the rest of the world represented by the EZV and the AELE.


July 7: British intelligence agencies deposed Qabus ibn Taimur, sultan of Oman, and imposed his son, Said, as new ruler.


December 18: France conceded independence to its last African colony: birth of the Repúblique du Niger.


June 8: the Boer-populated Transvaal and Orange free State proclaimed their independence from South Africa, and formed the Afrikaaner Republiek.



Year 1983


Abril 5: The leftist Movimento das Forças Armadas, lead by General Antonio Spínola, overthrow the Portuguese government. Despite the armed opposition in the conservative northern third of the country, the revolutionaries were able to organize a new government.


June 23: The South African National Assembly dissolved itself: end of the Union of South Africa. KwaZulu, Kei, Limpopo, Bophuthatswana, the Afrikaner and Cape Republics, successor states.


June-August: Border war between Syria and Jordan over Syrian military adventurerism in Lebanon.


July 7. Britain asked its admission as “special partner” in the AELE.


September 1: Poland and the Soviet Union signed a commercial treaty, the first between an ESA member and the Soviets.


September 7: Speculations regarding the Deutschemark exchange rates against the U.S. dollar in Frankfurt, London and Paris lead to a temporary collapse of the Deutschemark.


September 15: After a plebiscite, the Anglo-Australian Papuan Territories are transformed in the Australian territory of New Guinea.


December 24: Unidentified terrorist detonated a nerve gas bomb in Beirut: 125 fatalities.



Year 1984


January 25: Iraqi troops crossed the Kuwaiti border. Britain and Saudi Arabia demanded the immediate withdrawal of the Iraqi troops.


May 23: After four months of unsuccessful intents to defuse the situation by the League of Nations, Saudi Arabian, British and Free Kuwaiti forces counter invaded al-Kuwait.


April 30: The last Iraqi forces were expulsed from al-Kuwait.


June: Pro-independence uprising in Vietnam’s remaining Lao provinces.


September 3: Ethiopia gained its independence from Italy.


November: In spite of international protest, about 35 to 50 Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile were given by Britain to Saudi Arabia in 1988. The IRBMs, based near Riyadh, are under British maintenance, and are not armed with nuclear warheads.


December: Japan, France and Germany imposed economic sanctions over Britain for its violation of the “Nuclear Treaty” provisions dealing with nuclear delivery systems. The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. remained silent.



Year 1985


February 1: Portugal recognized the independence of Angola.


April 4: Eritrea gained its independence from Italy.


April 7: Gibraltar rejected the Spanish demands for a plebiscite, it remained as a British colony.


April 29: Iran and Iraq reached an agreement over its Shatt-al-Arab border: Iraq adopted the Iranian position that the thalweg --a line running down the middle of the waterway-- was the official border.


June 1: Britain organized its Caribbean colonies as the Windward and Leeward Islands territory.


July 23: Naval clashes between Soviet and Finnish and Norwegian forces in the Barents sea.


November 1: The Cape Republic is admitted in the British Commonwealth.



Year 1986


January 19: Britain renounced to its protectorate over the Sultanate of Zanzibar, the sultanate joined the British Commonwealth.


May 17: Guatemala menaced to use its armed forces if Britain concede independence to Belize.


May 27: Coup d’état in Turkey: the Army took control of the country.


June 1: Limpopo joined the French Union, the first country to join the Union that wasn’t a French colony.


June 4: Britain renounced to its protectorate over Tonga.


July 1: Britain concede independence to its Somali colony, which became the Sultanate of Shermarke.


October: Border clashes between Shermarke and Italian troops.


December 15: New Zealand concede internal autonomy to Western Samoa, which became the self-governing territory of Samoa i Sisifo.



Year 1987


February 15: Ferdinand Marcos is impeached after a misappropriation scandal, Ignacio Largaespada is swore as new president of the Philippines.


April 8: Fidel Castro and Ernesto Guevara are allowed to return to Cuba.


July 1: Italy concede independence to Somalia, but forced the new government to lease the port of Kishmayu for the Regia Marina.


September 6: The kingdom of Swaziland changed its name to Ngwane.


October 17: Federation of Azania created under Commonwealth sponsorship.


November 4: Boer militias and Botswana troops clashed, the defeat of the Boer irregulars prompt the Boer Republic to start a rearming program with German help.


December 25: Sendero Luminoso forces occupied the Japanese Embassy during the Christmas party offered by the Japanese ambassador.



Year 1988      


January 18: Nakano forces, with the cooperation of the Peruvian police and army, freed the hostages and killed the Senderista commando responsible of the hijacking. 


February 17: Pro-Egyptian forces took control of Khartoum.


February 19: The Egyptian government recognized the new Sudanese government, and called for the unification of both countries.


May 5: After a failed Army coup, Yemen descended into chaos.


July: Riots in the city of Novomoskovsk signalled the start of the Soviet Civil War.


August 1: The Kingdom of Tonga signed a “Friendship and Protection Treaty” with Australia, forced by its dire economic situation.


October-November: Ecuador renewed its claim over its Peruvian-occupied Amazonian territories.



Year 1989


May 3: The new Indonesian government demanded the Japanese withdrawal from  the Surabaya naval base.


April 16: After particularly bloody incident with Sendero Luminoso guerrillas, the Peruvian government accused Ecuador to serve as a safe haven for Senderista guerrillas.


May 2: Brazil bought from Britain its first aircraft carrier.


May-July: Border war between Italy and Egypt in the Cyrenaican border.


June 23: The Japanese Space Agency, the Agence Spatiale Française and the Commonwealth Space Consortium signed an accord to develop a global satellite network.


August 23: The Deutsche Weltraum Vertretung (German Space Agency) finished the assembly of the Himmelstoß, the first permanent orbital base.


November 15: The JSA tested its space shuttle orbiter, the Sakigake, and its launch system, Suisei. The test was conducted unmanned and entirely under automatic control.