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The conquest of the oceans: Unterseetechnologie (UST)



"From birth, man carries that weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to Earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free, buoyed by water he can fly in any direction –up, down, sideways. Underwater, man becomes an archangel."


Admiral Jacques-Yves Cousteau.



Fantastic images of life underwater have captured the imaginations of millions since the days when the French writer Jules Verne introduced the world to Captain Nemo in "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea," but in the first decades of the XXI century the development of a series of technologies known collectively as UST (Unterseetechnologie: submarine technology), allowed Mankind to dedicate all efforts to the conquest of the inner space -with all its vast possibilities- to the point of practically abandon the explorations of outer space.


The first sea habitats were developed in Japan by the Imperial Navy, considering that such technology would be crucial to the Empire's defence systems: IJA personnel lived beneath the surface for periods of 15 and 30 days, and unlike sailors aboard submarines, who lived for months under water, they freely went in and out of their underwater vehicles to dive and do underwater experiments.





But it were the efforts of Karl Heinlein, a nuclear submarine scientist for the Hochseeflotte, who from his position as chief of the Tiefuntertauchensystems Projekt (Deep Submergence Systems Project) in the 2010s, utilized the latest discoveries in highly damped composite materials, specially varieties of a polymer-composite material known as Berührungstein (BS), to construct advanced submarine structures. The process involved a cure-in-place, thermoplastic matrix manufacturing method, that did not require processing with an oven or autoclave. The first facilities built with BS included deep water basins, water tunnels, manoeuvring and seakeeping basins, and deep ocean pressure tanks.


Even when the Hochseeflotte did not pay enough attention to Heinlein’s work (by then it was more interested in R&D of electrochemical power sources and magnetostrictive materials); the apparition of the carbon nanofibers in Deon International’s laboratories added new impetus to the nascent UST. The combination of new varieties of BS and carbon nanotubes created a new generation of composite material, allowing the construction of high-pressure resistant materials with the strength in tension similar to diamond, and a mere fraction of the thickness of previous materials.





The original project, a new aquarium for the city of Onahama, known for mackerel fishing, rapidly became the first large-scale use of the improved UST. The site, at the tip of a pier within the port of Onahama, where fishing related plants and docks stands aside, rapidly became the site for other projects such as shopping mall, an ocean liner terminus, housing and parks, all above and behind the sea level, surrounding the original aquarium. The Shinonahama (New Onahama) is a continuation of the central axis of the city of Onahama and continues as a promenade and protrudes well into the Pacific: a boardwalk encircling the area created beach side pedestrian circulation along with a large green space as a ‘seaside park’ (actually the park is above the sea). Mounds are made of BS reflecting the image of waves; from the mounds one can enjoy the commanding view of the Pacific. Also, this mounds hides mechanical equipment, staff parking, and other services facilities, with services such as barbecue kitchen and public toilets embedded within.


A galleria with glazed roof is the main entrance for the entire complex, bustles till late at night with barbecue corners, a floating theatre, movable shops, a parking lot shared with a multipurpose event space, restaurants, museum shop, multipurpose hall, an IMAX theatre, a community centre, halls and seminar rooms, and an interactive Prologue occupying the edge of the aquarium (with an exhibition about the beginning of the universe and the relation between the earth and the life).


The main space within the aquarium, called Ocean Atrium, is the most significant feature of the Shinonahama complex, with its capability to provide an ample view of the border fauna of the Pacific Ocean ashore the Fukushima Prefecture called Shiome, where Kuroshio, the warm current and Oyashio, the cold current meets. In the main aquacultural complex, warm water and cold water actually meets, enabling to reproduce a realistic ecosystem model in large scale. Within a decade, more than a thousand complexes with similar characteristic had appeared around the world.



The “Undersea Cities”


The next step in the conquest of the oceans was the apparition of the “underwater cities” as they were commonly known. These “underwater cities” in reality were mere extensions of the coastal cities of the previous century, which continued to grow well into the XXI century due to several socio-economical reasons. With the UST already proven by the ubiquitous Shinonahama-like structures, first airports, then resort hotels, later artificial islands, offshore living space, marine aquaculture, hydroponic farming and floating automation ships appeared: the cities advanced towards the sea along the continental shelf.


Generally the new sections of the cities were prefabricated segments towed to the construction site and anchored to the ocean floor. These structures easily accommodate millions of people and relieve the over population of land based cities. The most dramatic example of this was Hong Kong: one of the most heavily populated cities of the Chaodai Federation, by 2030 it had triplicate its original size, and five years later, its total area was ten times its original size, including the portion of the cities under the sea level.


The romantic ideas about “undersea cities” so popular in the previous century never materialized. The reason? The oceans of the Earth are much more inhospitable to humans than outer space: the physical pressures on the human body, the corrosiveness of the environment, and the high costs of permanent habitats beneath the surface, conspired to limit the dream to aquatic extensions of the coastal cities, and in the more wealthy countries, floating platforms for life, business and research.



The last evolution of the UST


For that reasons, most of the underwater exploration was executed, not with human habitats at the greatest depths of the oceans, but with robots. The first robot was simple mechanism able to photograph and recollect biological and mineral samples, but the ultimate evolution of the UST appeared when the conjunction between the composite materials technology and the apparition of the first (non-sentient) artificial intelligences (AI) made possible the construction of submarine robots able of travelling to the oceanic floor and extract minerals and organically samples, marine archaeology became as common as archaeology on land, etc. Even when it was technically feasiible not only to extract the nodules but also to process them in the oceanic floor, the cost of such technology was prohibitive.



Modern uses of the UST


Aquaculture: by the early 2030s the farming of freshwater and marine species, known as aquaculture, had become one of the world's fifth largest primary industries, and the introduction of the latest UST allowed many nations to reduce the degree of over-exploitation of several commercial species: about 500 species of fish, 100 species of crustacean, 130 species of molluscs and a few echinoderm species became exploited in aquaculture farms, specially in the coastal nations. The utilization of UST for the development of new farms in a sustainable fashion helped to reduce, and in many cases eliminate, the declines of commercial species due to over fishing, because aquaculture did not face the same problems as wild fisheries in terms of natural limits to the volume of production, and its main growth limit is the availability of suitable sites for aquaculture operations. This applies to both intensive pond aquaculture on land, and cage aquaculture in natural waterways. Aquaculture also allowed the production of juveniles of over exploited species, to be used for restocking, and reduced (or eliminated) pressures on wild stock.



Marine biotechnology: one of the industries derivated from aquaculture is the marine biotechnology, which uses biological material from the sea to produce goods and services. It usually involves the extraction -from aquatic plants and animals- of chemicals (biologically-active compounds or pharmaceuticals), the cloning of proteins of marine origin, the analysis of marine toxins and anti-venoms, the development of industrial adhesives, the development of diagnostic probes for marine pathogens, and the engineering of marine organisms to enhance their biological characteristics. However, one of the main problems which have arisen from marine biotechnology is the access and ownership of intellectual property rights for genetic material. Is well known the dispute between Japan and the Macronesian Alliance for the genetic code of the algae Dunaliella salina (world’s main source of natural beta-carotene); and the “corporate war” between SBT (a division of the U.S. defence contractor General Dynamics) and Deon International for the patents of several new species of prawns, abalone, and oysters specifically designed to digest contaminants and toxins in the water.



Mining: until the development of the UST and AI, seabed mining was a largely undeveloped industry with large potential: once the technical problems were overcome, such as high water pressure and recovery of the ores, sea mining had become the second major global industry, after computer software. Some low value materials such as gravels and limestone have been dredged, and extraction of gravel and sand occurs close to urban areas with few or no land based resources of this type. But the real bonanza of undersea mining lies in the extraction of minerals such as metals and -to a lesser extent- gemstones.


The polymetallic nodules on the ocean floor are still considered to be the main modern source of much needed metals as world demand increases and the availability of land sources diminishes. The potato-shaped, largely porous nodules, are found in abundance carpeting the sea floor of the oceans. These nodules are of much economic importance because, besides manganese and iron, they contain nickel, copper, cobalt, lead, molybdenum, cadmium, vanadium, titanium, and traces of other rare metals, considered to be of strategic importance. The nodules are found mostly at depths ranging from 3500m to 6000m.


Besides the polymetallic nodules and other sources of valuable minerals, recent advances in drilling technology have enabled the small offshore oil and natural gas industry to move into deeper and deeper waters to explore for, develop and produce the vast biochemical and petrochemical reserves found on the outer continental shelf OCS at water depths exceeding 300 meters. Mining of seafloor minerals has altered the mineral ores markets: today the Macronesian Alliance, the Boer Republic, Indonesia, Japan, Brazil and Argentina are the world’s main producer of diamonds, tin, titanium, manganese, platinum and cobalt respectively, displacing the traditional producers.



Alternative energy: since the development of the first OTEC generation facilities in the Japanese prefecture of Nanyo Gunto, the technological feasibility and pricing became more favourable, while the availability and desirability of other energy sources diminished. Besides OTEC, tidal energy schemes have been exploited since the 2020s.