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Duo and Heero Bird's Web Site


HOME The character info on HEERO YUY The character info on DUO MAXWELL The character info on TROWA BARTON The character info on QUATRE WINNER The character info on CHANG WUFEI The info on the WING GUNDAM The info on the WING GUNDAM ZERO The info on the GUNDAM DEATHSCYTHE The info on DEATHSCYTHE HELL The info on HEAVYARMS The info on SANDROCK The info on the SHENLONG GUNDAM The info on the ALTRON GUNDAM The info on the other GUNDAMS and MS Many ANIMATED GIFS Any other PICTURES that don't move FANFICS FANART SONGS, SOUNDS, GAMES, and soon to be MOVIES SIGN my GUESTBOOK VIEW my GUESTBOOK ADOPT a CHIBI Duo's QUOTES HEERO BIRD'S Website The FIRST ASK HEERO BIRD


The game Endless Duel is really fun! I downloaded it a while ago and I just hope that you can download it from my site. Up to two people can play and it's a lot better then the other GW game for play station. My opinion, but the only character you can be from Gundam Wing is Heero on the Play Station version, Gundam Battle Assult...

CLICK HERE to download it. The Zsnes is there, too, but you need winzip to "unzip" it. You can download Winzip at HERE.

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