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You might say that this site started as a result of my years in business school.  I've loved art from an early age but the thought of being a starving artist didn't appeal to me.  So I attended business school and earned a Honors Diploma in Finance from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) in 1992.  I followed this with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree with Distinction in Finance and Marketing from the University of Alberta (UofA) in 1995.  

It was during my time at NAIT where I first worked professionally.  As the Vice-President Finance for the Business Administration Society at NAIT, I created large hand-drawn posters promoting various fund raising events.  People started noticing my work and offered to pay me to create advertising materials for them.  This led to the formation of my first company - Ground Zero Communications.    

Upon graduation from the UofA, I accepted a position with Alberta's largest financial institution, Alberta Treasury Branches (ATB).  After years of climbing the corporate ladder in locations across southern and central Alberta I became the Marketing Officer for ATB.  It was in this role where I created much of the work that is displayed on this site.  

My main function was to provide marketing solutions to all levels within the organization.  Some solutions called for me to create advertising materials beyond what was offered by the Corporation.  It was this requirement that called for me to greatly expanded my usage of software such as Photoshop, Freehand, Illustrator, Quark Express and PageMaker in both Mac and PC platforms.

In October 1999, I left ATB to join G & E Vending Ltd., a real estate investment and property management firm.  I now reside in the beautiful Rocky Mountain town of Jasper, Alberta where I oversee our investments in the Rockies. 

Since coming to Jasper I have added several web development tools to my arsenal. Through both formal education and hours at the computer I have gained experience with HTML, DHTML, CSS, Frontpage, Dreamweaver and Flash animation.