This page have recipes that we enjoy, as well as recipes from our friends and family. However, we are still constructing this section!
Well to start out, I'll share some of my recipes. I enjoy chiness style cooking, but it can be hard to find a good resturant where I live, so I like to make up some dishes on my own. I'll start with an easy one, "Eggdrop Soup", yummy ^-^.
2 cans of chicken broth
2 eggs
Empty 2 cans of chicken broth and 2 cans of water in to a pan.
although I've found that the cheap brands of broth already have the
water added for you, meaning that they water down their product.
Isn't that nice of them ^_^.
bring to boil as you add
salt, garlic (powder), and prarsley
to your liking
while you wait for it to boil
mix two eggs in a bowl or cup
when the soup is boiling
turn down heat
stir soup in one direction
clock ways or counter clock ways
keep the soup stirring as you add alittle bit of egg at a time
the boiling water cooks the egg instantly, or at lest very fast
after all the egg is in the soup, let it cool to liking
and serve!
Chicken breast, boneless, skinless ( 1 per person, yes that will be enough)
Corn starch
Suger ( about 1/2 cup for 4 breast of chicken)
Nuts ( almond slices, peanuts, cashews, what ever you like)
Cut the chicken breasts into small even size pieces (I like to use scissors)
add this to the wok ( yes a frying pan will work) with 2 tea spoons of corn starch
some teriyaki and enough oil to give the chicken a fair covering
turn on the heat, high heat, and mix well
keep stirring, will keep the chicken from stick to the pan
add more teriyaki, this is to taste, and keep it on high heat
once the chicken is a nice brown, add the suger and stirr
the idea is the that hot oil well carmalize the suger, so the oil needs to be hot
so make sure chicken is done before adding the suger
after stirring the suger in, add the nuts and turn off the heat
and its ready to eat, serve on a bed of rice is nice :)
1 to 2 cans of chicken( looks like tuna )
Large can of tomato juice
Can of rotel tomatos( optional )
Bag of tortilla chips ( I like bite size ^_^ )
Shredded cheese ( what ever kind you like )
A pot large enough to hold it all
Put the tomato juice, chicken, and rotel in
to the pot and start to heat. ( Note: the rotel
may make it to spicy for some) Bring it to a near
boil and its done. Get out the chips and cheese.
You can ether put the tortilla chip in to a bowl,
add the cheese, and then pour the soup on top. OR
You can just kind of dip the chips into it. Ether
way makes some good eating on a wintery day.
steak strips
corn starch
cut steak into small even peices
and cook in pan or wok with oil
and tea spoon of corn starch.
set to the side.(add soy or Teriyaki
if you like to steak and veggies)
cut bell pepper and onion into
stips. Fry or Stir fry with oil,
corn starch and if you like a tea
spoon or two of butter. (This may
take a while to cook, and the butter
adds a salta taste)
Once cooked to liking you have the
first part of 2 need.
As you are cooking the first part
butter and garlic many slices of
bread. Preheat your oven or toaster
to 300-350. Lightly toast the bread
then add slices of chees to each and
put back in the oven long enough to
lightly melt the cheese, take out
and cool. If you time it right the
two part well be ready about the same
time. Serve the steak and veggies
on top of the toast slices like an
open face sandwich.
Tortillas (10 to 12)
ground beef (half a pound to full pound)
refried beans (one can)
Enchilotas sauce (one can)
sour cream
Cook the ground beef adding spicies as you like. Once well done add the refried beans and about fourth of the can of enchilotas sauce. ( this softens the beans up) As you do this you can heat the tortillas up the to make them easyer to roll up, by heatting in the mic for about 30-45 in a folded damp paper towle.(not really needed) Scoop two or so spoonfuls of the meat and bean filling to tortilla and roll up. Place on cookie sheet or baking pan. Repeat with all the tortillas. Preheat ovening to 350. Take what is left of the enchilota sauce (should be about 3/4 of the can) and mix with the sour cream. (if you don't like sour cream not a worry, just don't use it) Pour sauce over enchilota and cover in cheese. Bake until cheese is metaled and echilotas are starting to brown. (or until you get to hungery to care)
Tortillas , Large (2 per person)
Boneless chicken breast (about 1 per person)
Shredded cheese (what ever kind you like)
Chill or melted cheese (for topping)
sour cream
Veg Oil
Cut chicken in to bite size pieces ( I find scissors to work well) Cook the chicken with some oil and/or butter and add spices to your liking. If you start out with med-low heat then turn to high to brown will make for softer chicken. On a plate, place 1 totilla, and a few spoons full of chicken and shredded cheese. Fold 2 sides towards the center, they should just met. This leave 2 rounded sides, fold one in, pass the center and then the last side fold the same(makes a little package looking shape). Use a toothpick to hold the last fold down and deep fry at about 400 degress until about medium brown. place on paper towle until cool. Serve with chille or cheese or salsa or anything you like on top. 1 to 2 should be enough for most anyone with a side of spainish rice.