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Trowa's Corner!

I know, I know...this is a Heero website NOT a Trowa website but I love Trowa so I thought I's make a little page for him too. How sweet. Anyway, after Heero, Trowa is my favorite pilot. Why? He's mysterious. I always like the quiet people (as stated in the Why Heero section). I think that the quiet people have the best character. You just have to look for it. I also love Trowa's hair. I sometimes like to brush my hair in front of my face to look like him (i'm so weird). Anyway, without any further annoyance from me, on to Nanashi's li'l page. (Basically just an image gallery)

Click on the caption to see the picture...

-He really has two eyes!
-The classic Trowa look (my favorite pic)
-Trowa playing chess
-He's so cute when he smiles
-Trowa in his Gundam looking kind of evil
-Trowa laughing
-He's smiling again
-HUGE close up
-I think he's cute with red hair
-Color manga pic (my other favorite)
-Trowa looks bored/sad, I can't decide
-Poor Trowa had amnesia
