Feelings Duh duh duh duh da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hiya!My names Cherry Blossom.This fic on Digimon will be staring..... Tai(steps out):Me of course! Sora:me too Mimi:Me because I'm your fave character Matt:And of course me.Hey,I thought you said I was your fave? Cherry Blossom:Whatever!I don't give a damn.As long as you help me you can all be my fave characters. Joe:Even me? Cherry Blossom:Except you! Tk:How come we didn't get an intro? Cherry Blossom:Fine,introducing...Bowlhead! TK steps out. Cherry Blossom:Next introducing...Two-timer! Kari steps out. Cherry Blossom:Introducing...Boring as hell! Cody steps out. Cherry Blossom:Introducing...Nerdy boy and Mimi wannabe! Izzy and Yolei step out. Cherry Blossom:And...the evil-good-for-nothing-Digimon-emporer! Ken steps out. Joe:Introduce me! Cherry Blossom:Introducing...the wet blanket! Joe steps out. Kari:Why did you give us mean nicknames? Cherry Blossom(shruggs):I was bored.I thought I'd liven things up a bit.Now what type of a Mimato fic should we do? Everyone:Mimato?! Cherry Blossom:Yes.Mimato's my fave.Now you can vote,pick,suggest,anything just hurry up and help me out. Mimi:I think we should do Sleeping Beauty.Matt can be my strong,sexy,handsome prince.What do you think Matt? Matt(blushing like mad):Well,I,uh,umm... Davis:Titanic!Nude scenes first please!Oh,also starring Mimi as Rose! Whack!Mimi slaps Davis at the back of the head. Cherry Blossom:Pervert! Kari:How about My Best Friends Wedding. Cherry Blossom:Lame. Ken:Let's come up with stories,not movies.Make up our own or something. Tai:I got it!Matt can be a homeless dude in love with the wealthy princess. Matt:Tai,that's even more lame. Tai:No Matt:Yes Tai:No Matt:Yes Tai:No Matt:Yes Tai:No Matt:Yes Tai:No Matt:Yes Sora:Quiet!Help us think up a good fic! Izzy:How about one on Ancient Egypt.Mimi can be Queen Cleopatra and Matt can be Marcus Antonius. Cherry Blossom(sarcastically):Great!let's do something that I'll have to do in History class. Yolei:I think we should do a song fic.Mimi and Matt sing loves to eachother. Cherry Blossom:Finally a smart suggestion.Any other ideas? Yolei:Why don't we use mine? Cherry Blossom:Cause I wanna have more than one idea to choose from. TK:How about one where Mimi dies and Matt goes into deep depression and kills himself. Kari:Oh that's sssssssssssoooooooooooo romantic TK! Davis:Always Tk,never 'great idea Davis' or 'Davis is right'. Ken:Jealous are we? Izzy:Don't get him started,or else he'll have a heart attack when he finds out Kari and TK have bben secretly dating.Oops!I wasn't suppose to say that was I? Kari:Izzy,why did you have to gossip,on tonight of all nights! Thump!Davis faints. Cody:I think you killed him. Mimi:He'll come around.Hhmph!He desereved that for his perverted suggestion. Matt:I don't know,I kinda liked his suggestion. Tai:Same here! Smack!Mimi ans Sora hit them in the head. Cherry Blossom:Stop,or else I'll make an NC-17 yaoi/yuri fic! All the digidestined:Yuck!!! Yolei:I hate their perverted Taito and Mira fics.I especially hate the ones with me and Kari.Hello people!In case you didn't notice,none of us are homo/bi sexuals! Mimi:I read one on me,when I was married to Sora:shudders:I never wanna read one like that again! Matt:How about the ones with me and Tai fu- Cherry Blossom:Hello!I'm trying to keep this fic PG and under! Matt:What?You mean you right everything we say? Cherry Blossom:Duh! Matt:Stop typing! Matt:I said stop typing! Matt:I said stop typing already you stupid bit- Cherry Blossom:Shut up!I told you no swearing! Matt:Okay mother! Cherry Blossom:That's it!One Taito fic coming up! Matt drops to the floor and latches onto Cherry Blossoms legs,begging for mercy. Matt:Please!I'm sorry!Just not another stupid Taito.You of all people should understand.After all,you find me totally cute,sexy,irresistable,charming, smart,intelligent,cool- Cherry Blossom:Do I ever! Cherry Blossom jumps into Matts arms and starts making out with him. Mimi:What the hell do you think you're doing?Get off of my crush! Everyone turns towards the bright faced Mimi.Matt immediately pushes Cherry Blossom off of him. Matt:You really love me? Mimi:Of course I do. Mimi and Matt start making out. Cherry Blossom looks on with envy:Oh,get a room. Mimi and Matt:Can we? Cherry Blossom:No!I just meant-Oh never mind.Now does anyone have a new idea for a fic? Joe:Why does Matt,Tai,and TK get the girls? Cherry Blossom:Why are you jealous?You're not even staright! Joe:Yes I am! Cherry Blossom:Chill!I was only kidding.I need to make fun of someone in this fic. Sora:Tai and me are not going out! Tai:Says who? Sora:Uh,no one,I guess. Tai:Let's go out some time. Sora:Okay! Sora and Tai are now making out. Cherry Blossom:Stop making out and concentrate on this fic!I swear to god I'll make this a yaoi/yuri if ya don't stop.I'm only giving you all one more chance to behave. Everyone became immediatley quiet. Cherry Blossom:This is the last time I'm asking,,are there any new ideas? No one spoke. Cherry Blossom:Okay,song fic it is. Everyone:Can you just start the damn fic already! Cherry Blossom:Fine!Fic starting in five... Mimi:Four... Matt:Three... Sora:Two... Tai:One... Matt looked into the eyes of his beloved Taichi- Matt and Tai:No Taito! Mimi:You promised it would be me and Matt. Matt:Yeah!Now get to the romantic stuff. Cherry Blossom:Stop interupting!I'll start now.I was just pulling you leg. Only horny idiots write up NC-17 Taito fics. Joe:That disciption sure descibes you- Cherry Blossom:Shut up dumb-ass! Feelings ~By Cherry Blossom ~Mimi's POV~ "Okay guys!Let's hit it!"I shouted.We immediately got into our new songs.Being onstage at a concert always gives me butterflies.I'm worried about messing up during the middle of one of my songs.Matt and the rest of the band were used to it though.They've been a band for three years now.I had only joined about a week ago. "Hey baby!Let's go out sometime!"my fans yelled.Some of the teens gave me catcalls and comments.I didn't mind the attention although I only loved one guy,who also happened to be in the band. Yamato. ~Matt's POV~ I loved listening to Mimi sing.She had a very beautiful high voice.No one in our band believed me when I said she was a great singer.Until now. I noticed most of the guys eying Mimi.I felt jealous but tried not to worry about it too much.After tonight,she'll be mine.Once she found out how much I loved and cared for her,she'd realize we were meant to be. We finished our song,and a loud roar of catcalls and lovestruck fans applauded loudly.In the vast audience,I saw Tai and Sora standing side-by- side,cheering us on. "This next song is dedicated to my favorite blond.He knows who he is and I want to tell him 'I love you' in my next song,"Mimi said. "Is it me?"TK asked from his front row seat.We all burst into laughter. "Sorry TK it isn't you but you're also one of my favorite blondes." TK went red with embarassment.We began our song. Mimi's POV This was it!It was time to admit my feelings for Matt in this next song... Passion Flowing through my heart Passion I hope we'll never be apart Passion I'm in love with you Passion I hope you love me too What would you tell me If you knew Just how I feel for you Would you say I love you too Or would you say You're a lovesick fool I wanna know Before it's too late So please tell me So I know it's fate Hurry up C'mon and let me know I just hope You love me so Because,I have Passion Flowing through my heart Passion I hope we'll never be apart Passion I'm in love with you Passion I hope you love me too Can you be with me? Can we be together Can we stay Together forever Are we really Meant to be Or are you Playing games with me I wanna know Before it's too late So please tell me So I know it's fate Hurry up C'mon and let me know I just hope You love me so Because,I have Passion Flowing through my heart Passion I hope we'll never be apart Passion I'm in love with you Passion I hope you love me too I just want you to know That I love you so "Before anyone says anything,I'd like Mimi to step to the side for a sec so she can hear my song,"Matt announced. I obediantely walked over to the side of the stage,waiting for Matt to sing his song. ~Matt's POV~ "I wrote this song for my favorite brunette and no it's not you Jun!" I said. "Damnit!"she shouted. "Allthough none of you probably would reconize her since she has beautiful locks of pink hair at the moment.The name of this song is 'Ice angel'.Well here goes nothing..." You're the one You're my only Ice angel You're the love In my life Ice angel If you only knew How much I love you Ice angel I would wanna Be yours forever Ice angel Will you be mine Till the day we die Will you let me hold you When you cry Will you say I am yours Show tears of passion not remorse Will you love me forever Will we always be together Ice angel You're the one You're my only Ice angel You're the love In my life Ice angel If you only knew How much I love you Ice angel I would wanna Be yours forever Ice angel Your sincere and so kind You have love on your mind You're never mean or feel hate I believe this love could be fate I'll be your protecter strong and true I promise no harm will ever come to you Just tell me you love me And then you'll see Ice angel You're the one You're my only Ice angel You're the love In my life Ice angel If you only knew How much I love you Ice angel I would wanna Be yours forever Ice angel Can we be together? From now until forever? Is this love really fate? Tell me now before it's too late Ice angel You're the one You're my only Ice angel You're the love In my life Ice angel If you only knew How much I love you Ice angel I would wanna Be yours forever Ice angel Do you love me Ice angel I finished the song and the crowd roared wildly.I looked over at Mimi who had burst into tears. ~Mimi's POV~ I couldn't believe it.Did he really love me?I quickly ran up on the stage and ran into his open arms. "I love you Yamato!"I shouted above the roaring crowd. "I love you too Meems!" We kissed eachother in front of the crowd,who were mostly cheering us on.Except for Jun. We then looked at the crowd and saw someone shoot Joe.We both burst out laughing as our fans trampled over Joe's dead body. End~Cherry Blossom Mimi:That sucked!You could've made it more romantic! Cherry Blossom:It's the best I could come up with in half an hour.If you don't want to be in a yuri fic with Sora,I suggest you stop complaining.At least you got your Yamato. Joe:Why did I die? Cherry Blossom:In case you don't remember you said I am a horny idiot.That's what you get for making fun of me. Mimi and Matt:Bye! Cherry Blossom:Where the hell do you think you're going? Matt:We're going out to see Charlies Angels and then to eat pizza.See ya! Tai and Sora:Wait for us! Tai,Sora,Matt and Mimi left for a double date. Cherry Blossom:Great,now I'm stuck with the idiots. Yolei:I'm not an idiot! Cherry Blossom:My mistake Mimi wannabe! Davis:I'm not an idiot either.I'll have you know I have an IQ of 3,or was it 6,maybe it was- Cherry Blossom:Shut up Tai wannabe! Davis:At least I'm not a Matt lover! TK:Don't be dissing my brother and his fans Davis! Davis:Who's gonna make me stop TA? Kari:Let's go TK.I don't wanna be seen with anyone who disses hot blondes. TK:You think Matt's cute? Kari:Totally!But I think you're even cuter TK! Tk grins and leaves on a date with Kari. Yolei:I wish I had a boyfriend. Izzy:Let's go Yolei!We don't wanna be late for our date. Yolei:Oh Izzy!I'd love to go out with you! Izzy and Yolei leave. Ken:Hey,I'm not a blonde but I still think we should go out Cherry. Cheery Blossom(grinning):Lead the way Ken! Cherry Blossom and Ken leave. Davis:What should we do now? Joe:I'm gonna spy on Izzy and Yolei. Davis:I'll go spy on Kari and TA.Who knows what he might do to her. Davis and Joe leave,spying on their crushes.What losers! End~Cherry Blossom Well,hope you enjoyed the fic.I don't mean to be offensive to anyone in this fic.If you are offended by anything then sorry.It's just my opinion and I know the story was too short and it sucked.I own these songs just to let everyone know. Discalimer:I do not own Digimon and I never will so don't rub it in. (sobs)God damnit!Life just isn't fair is it?