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This page is dedicated to my father and all those men and women who have served.

Updated 18 February 2003

This page is for my father, then SPC5 Henry W. Roderigas Jr. or "Buster" as we know him today. My father joined the US Army in June 1969 at the age of seventeen, he attended Basic Training at Sand Hill, Ft. Benning, Georgia graduating August 1969. After a wonderful time at sunny Ft. Benning, he was transferred to Ft. Rucker, Alabama for aircraft crewman training as a Door Gunner/ Crewman on UH-1's. His original MOS was 67V2F. He turned eightteen, then it was off to South Vietnam. "In Country" he was assigned to the 1st Aviation Brigade (Bird with a sword up his ars). He arrived in country December 1970 and left South Vietnam October 1971. He was assigned to the 165th CAG and the 120th "Deans, Snoopy's and the Razorbacks". Stationed at Long Binh he led an interesting life which I will be posting on this page as time progresses. He was shot down in September of 1971 at Long Then near the rubber plantation.

The pictures you will see are the few pictures that have survived time and my father coming to terms the best he can. This page and more that will follow is my way of paying tribute to my father/mentor and friend. My father is still alive and well today but like all veterans his memories are the pictures and those few treasures he has locked away in his mind and heart. He has only shared a few moments of that time with me. I want to keep the memory of what they did alive and well. Those of you whom are reading this are thinking why? This is Vietnam there are plenty of vets and stories to go around. I must say no, every day their memories fade and their lights fade. I want to keep my fathers memories alive and share those with you the public so that you can see a little bit into one mans time in Vietnam.

My Fathers Vietnam Picture Page

1st Aviation Brigade Web Site

Vietnam Journeys, A veteran returns to Vietnam.

My 1944 MB