Exiting the Breach!
I really did enjoy this gunnery, it was my first gunnery as Mechanized Infantry. This picture was taken as my Bradley A12 was exiting a breached obstacle at the Rodriquez Live Fire Complex in South Korea. As you can see we were loaded down with lots of goodies.
Table 7 Practice Gunnery....
This firing table is called Table 7, this is our prepratory Gunnery excersice before we shoot our qualification gunnery on Table 8. There are two phases to both of these gunnery exercises. A day phase and a night phase man what a blast! As you can see by the picture I was lucky enough to catch a Bradley firing at the perfect moment. I tried 30 times with my digital camera to get this shot and finally got it. You can see the round blurred a bit by tis speed heading down range. Look at the Bradley with all the dust kicked up around it. I was sitting line with the other Bradleys waiting to fire my table 7 when I took this picture.
Heading home....
I call this picture heading home, we had just completed our training for the day. As I looked back behind my Bradley the other Bradleys and the dust caught my eye. I just had to get a picture of this.