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WWII Weekend. Reading, PA

This is just a small collection of pictures from the greatest weekend a WWII History buff can see, enjoy, participate, interact.... you get the picture. Oh and by the way... check out the pictures from last years event. Enjoy! Oh yeah, if you have never been to this event then you are missing out! If your a participant they even give you a nice keep sake to take home with you. Last years was a Beer Stein with Doolittle Raiders Crest on the side.

The sign says it all......

Our shot up house on French Main Street.

Nice jeep under all those guns, man can we put something else on this jeep?


Another jeep, as you can see there were plenty of jeeps at Reading this year.
I took so many pictures for ideas when my own jeep is finished.

"Hey where did the carb go?" This picture
is for real, the guys are actually replacing the carb on this GPW.

Time for some dames to add some class to the joint.

This picture just had to be posted.

This is only like, 1/16 of a view of the entire layout.
The main hangar is behind me.

Of course I had to have a picture of a classic such as this.

In the background you will see the main hangar. That hangar is full
of reenactors, dancers and an enourmous period band to boot when the have the Hangar Dance on Saturday Night.

This ole fella and his wife have this excellent display of kit that some period photographers
in the ETO. There was alot to look at in this display.