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Gundam 0080, 0083, Z, and ZZ

Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket
Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory

Gundam 0080

This seris is 6 episodes long and it was released in 1989 as a 10th year anniversary of the Gundam saga. The story begins with a failed attempt by Zeon’s elite Cyclops Team task force to capture the Federal Forces newest Gundam at the North Pole. The chase continues from Earth into space, where the focus falls onto a 10 year old boy named Alfred Izuruha. What will happen to Al and his friends and what will the Gundam do in the end? (I’m not going to tell you everything!)

Gundam 0083

This and 0080 are both side stories related to the One-Year War. Its story line is based on a small group of diehard Zeon forces led by Aiguille Delaz. They are trying to steal (which they do) a Gundam from the Federation armed with nuclear weapons. What will happen in the end?

Z Gundam

This again is another Gundam seris related to the One-Year War. Although it is fast-forwarded to UC 0087. In this seris, the story goes that peace is on top of everything, but there are still independent-seekers in the space colonies. The Titans (an elite force created by the Federation) are hunting down renegade Zeon soldiers and brutally suppress anti-Federation movements. Mankind’s only hope is with

AEUG (Anti-Earth Union Group). Quattro Vezina, captain of AEUG’s mobile-suit force, and former Zeon captain ace pilot, leads an operation to capture a Titan’s newly developed Gundam. Camille Vidan is also thrown in jail by hopping into a Titan’s Gundam and went looking for Quattro but failed. The Titan’s later killed Camille’s parents and then Camille joins AEUG. What will become of all of this?
The End

ZZ Gundam

This seris’ story picks up where Z Gundam left off. The Gryps War is over, the Titans are out of the picture, and Haman Khan and her Zeon royalists emerge victorious. Haman revives the Principality of Zeon at the asteroid fortress called Axis. What does happen to the new Zeon and what does the Federation do about it?