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Gundam Wing

    This is my personal favorite seris out of all of them. It is about five not average mobile suit pilots, and they're all 16 years old. These pilots also don't just pilot mobile suits, they pilot Gundams. They are five elite pilots that where trained since they were about 5 years old. Any way, the story goes as a pacifist named Heero Yuy was assassinated and the people againsts Heero's opinion were called the OZ. Treize Kushranada, the leader of Oz, wants to rule the world and the space colonies alone without the Earth's Sphere, and the space colonies response to that is to send there secret weapon, the Gundams. The Gundam pilots name's are Heero Yuy (he doesn't have a real name, so his code name is Heero Yuy), Trowa Barton, Quatra Rebaba Winner, Chang Wufei, and Duo Maxwell.

This story is about the OZ trying to rule the world and the Gundams are the only ones who are preventing that. These Gundam pilots battle from earth, to space, defeating every challenge that is placed in front of them. Eventually, the OZ is getting weak, but a new power has arisen. White Fang, a group of outcasts that aren’t part of the earth, the colonies, or OZ. They want to rule the world themselves. Their leader became to be Zech Marces, a former ace pilot of OZ. He pilots the Gundam Epyon, while Heero Yuy pilots Gundam Wing Zero, which both have the same program in its computer, a system that makes the Gundam pilot itself and the real pilot goes mad. Zech and Heero had this great battle against each other and in the end, they both mastered the system at the same time. Now Heero and Zech are more dangerous than ever.

In the end of the seris, Libra, the great space fortress of the White Fang, held a great battle between the Gundams and Treiza’s army of mobile suits. Even though the odds weren’t very good, and the Gundams and the mobile suit army were facing up against new model mobile suits equipped with an energy shield and they’re mobile dolls (no pilots controlling them). While four Gundams and the army are battling the mobile dolls, Heero and Zech have one more battle, and it was a fierce one, battle until the end. The Gundams and army actually won the battle and blow the Libra fortress away, except one giant piece of if broke off and was falling toward earth. Heero and Zech were in the piece and to try to stop the piece from hitting earth, the Eypon self-destructed. Even with that huge explosion, it still wasn’t enough. Heero had to destroy it himself. He got ahead of the piece aimed, and fired his hyper cannon and it disintegrated the whole thing. Heero flew off into the deep space.

Endless Waltz

This motion picture is the continuation of Gundam Wing. Even though peace has finally come, there are still those who are looking for power. Marimia, the daughter of Trieza Kushrenada, were entrusted with these “gifts” (new model of mobile suits) to deliver to the people of the earth. Meanwhile, Quatra, Duo, Trowa, and Heero sent their Gundams to Quatra to be sent into the sun since there is no need of them. Marimia is being brain-washed by Dacon Barton, the first one to create Operation Meteor (it was in Gundam Wing, it was suppose to be a world wide massacre in revenge for the death of the real Heero Yuy). Marimia was the one chosen to rule the world after the colonies have claimed it. Marimia was going ahead with Operation Meteor. Also, the Earth’s Sphere Unified Nation created a department in government called the Preventers to prevent anything bad that would happen but they weren’t able to stop Marimia’s plans. As a new employee of the Preventers, a man came into the chief’s office to get his first assignment. The chief was amazed to see that the new employee was Zech Marces (he is suppose to be dead). In Zech’s new mobile suit, called the Tallgeese III, went to go destroy Dacon, but he was too late. Dacon already reached earth. While all of this has happened, Quatra and a team of his servents went after the Gundams. They retrieved them and sent them back to their owners. With Wing Zero with Heero again, Heero heads toward earth but is confronted by Wufei, the 5th Gundam pilot. He chose to be with Marimia because he is stating that since there is peace, there is no need for soldier/fighters and Marimia’s plan is the only to keep fighting. Heero explains to Wufei, as they fight, that with fighting comes a never ending line of sadness, like an endless waltz. Heero never wants to look back on his memories of destruction and killing. Heero is then defeated and falls into the ocean. Wufei doesn’t know what to do.

As the other Gundams fight off these new models Marimia has sent. The battle went on until the Gundams ran out of fire power. All of a sudden Wing Zero appears above the hide-out that is now covered by very thick layered shield fortress where Marimia is. He fires his hyper cannon 3 times to destroy the shield, although with each shot, it is destroying the already damaged Wing Zero. With the final shot, Wing Zero falls to the ground, destroyed. Heero, still alive finds his way through the fortress and finds Marimia. Dacon puts a gun to Heero, but one of his own men shoots him in the head before Dacon pulled the trigger. He didn’t want anymore killing and destroying. Marimia now understands that what she has done is wrong, and the battle is over. The Gundams are victorious including Wufei. In the end they all self-destructed their Gundams since the world doesn’t need them anymore. After they were destroyed, the term Gundam was never used again.