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round 3

Number: 45
                   Level: Champion
                   Kind: Animal
                   Type: Data
                               Iron Drill Spin
                               Crusher Bone
                               Mole's Claw

is a mole digimon with drills on every part of his body. Don't give him a "drill" test because he'll drill anything in sight including other digimon or people so don't get this corkscrew up tight or you will drill your last bit.

Number: 71
                   Level: Ultimate
                   Kind: Ancient Animal
                   Type: Vaccine
                               Tusk Crusher
                               Freezing Breath

is a woolly elephant digimon he has a hard head, literally. He can knock 45 store building down just by walking passed it. He can easily turn a town to grounded peanuts. Don't get under his trunk he drop a load on you.

Number: 29
                   Level: Champion
                   Kind: Mythical Animal
                   Type: Vaccine
                               Aerial Attack
                               Horn Blaster

is a Unicorn digimon who look like he belongs to cyclops he can make ride to the park a ride of your life. so don't tease him with a carrot he catch it and then catch you so DON'T TEASE THIS HORSE, or you'll be kicked, hard.

Number: 19
                   Level: Champion
                   Kind: Sea Animal
                   Type: Data
                               Ice Blast
                               Ice Winder

is a sea serpent type digimon he can swim faster then any torpedo. He can use strong whirlpools that can trap even the strongest ship. He can turn a quiet lake in to a savage tsunami with a quick crack of his whip-like tail.