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Chapter 6

Title: Love in the Basement pt. 6/14
Author: DamnVespa
Pairings: 2X1, and a little 3X4 and 5XS
Warnings: Heero will probably be a little OOC.
Disclaimer: I don't own GW


The car had been taken out of the garage in preparation for them to leave. The old man was still talking about the car and Trowa just nodded his head. Quatre had pulled out his checkbook and was in the process of writing a check for the cost. Everything stopped when they heard the scream.


Duo whirled around and realized that Heero wasn't behind him like he had thought. He raced back into the garage and found Heero lying curled up on the floor near the back wall. There was a guy crouched in front of him looking shocked as hell. Duo rushed forward and motioned the mechanic away. He kneeled in front of Heero and touched his shoulder. Heero whimpered at the touch and curled more into himself.

“Heero, it's me Duo. I'm right here. It's okay.”

Heero looked up and saw Duo above him and flung himself into Duo's arms. He started to sob loudly. He had been so scared that Duo had left without him. That Duo had left him alone.

”Shh. Heero, it's okay. I'm right here and I'm not leaving you again.”

Heero looked up and asked, “Promise?”

“Yes, I promise.”

Heero smiled through his tears and hugged Duo harder. Then remembered he hadn't asked and backed out of the embrace.

“Can I touch you Duo?”

Duo choked on his saliva when he heard the questions. He could hear some muffled laughs from the mechanics behind him. Heero looked at Duo expectantly completely unaware of the double meaning of what he said.

“Yes, Heero you may.”

Heero leaned back in and wrapped his arms around Duo. Duo, in turn, put his arms around Heero placing Heero's head on his shoulder. Everything seemed to fade away but they were thrust back in to reality when some one cleared their throat. Duo looked over his shoulder to see who did it. Quatre stood there and blushed feeling he had interrupted a private moment.

“Everything is paid for and we're ready to go.”

“Okay Q, give us a minute.”

Quatre nodded his head and walked back out to the car. The others were waiting in the car. Trowa was in the driver's seat again, with Quatre in the passenger seat, and Wufei and Sally in the back.

Duo held Heero and rubbed his back until he calmed. When Heero stopped crying Duo looked down at him.

“It's time to go Heero. Come on.”

Duo stood with Heero and gingerly made their way to the car. When they got to the car they realized they had a minor problem. The car could only hold one more person. Duo stood and looked at the spot and then at Heero. It took a few moments for Duo to come up with a plan. He hopped in to the car and motioned for Heero to get in and sit on his lap. Heero had to duck to get into the car. When Heero was seated on Duo's lap, he pulled Heero's head down so it rested partially on his shoulder and part of the seat. Heero smiled and snuggled into him and pulled the braid back out. Wufei and Sally exchanged looks with each other and smiled. Sally then leaned her head on Wufei's shoulder and settled down for the car ride. Duo grabbed Heero around the waist to make sure he didn't bounce around. Trowa started the car and turned onto the street then drove out of the small town and back home.

The car ride was mostly silent. Heero had fallen asleep a few miles outside of town still holding onto Duo's braid. Duo watched the sun play across Heero's face. While watching him he thought of what to do once they got back. First Heero was going to take a bath and then to see a doctor. He figured after those two important things out of the way they could play it by ear. He gradually fell asleep and rested his head next to Heero's. Trowa looked through the rearview mirror and smiled. Quatre looked over at him and merely raised an eyebrow in question. Trowa gestured for Quatre to look in the back seat he turned to look and smiled at the picture.

On one side of the car Sally was curled around Wufei. She had her head leaning against his shoulder and her legs in his lap. Wufei was leaning back with his head turned towards Sally with one arm around her waist and the other holding her legs in place.

On the other side Heero was sitting in Duo's lap with his head on Duo's shoulder. His hands were holding Duo's braid close to his chest and he was smiling. Duo had both arms around Heero's waist and his head was resting on top of Heero's head. Duo looked relaxed and was slightly smiling. Quatre turned back to the front seat and grabbed Trowa's spare hand. Trowa squeezed the hand he held and smiled. Wufei had opened one eye after Quatre had turned back to the front. He noticed the position Heero and Duo were in and nodded his approval. Then snuggled closer to Sally and fell back asleep.

It was late afternoon when they finally arrived in the city. Wufei and Sally had been awake since they entered the city. When they reached the middle of the city they woke Duo. Duo gasped awake and looked around to see who woke him up. He tried to stretch but stopped when he realized there was something sitting on him. He felt breath next to his cheek and looked over to see Heero. When he looked out of the window he realized they were in the city. He decided to wake Heero up so he could see it. He shook him softly to wake him. Heero frowned at the movement and snuggled deeper into the embrace. Duo smiled at that but he was sure Heero wouldn't want to miss the city so he shook him again. Heero frowned again but blinked his eyes open and looked at Duo. Duo just smiled at him then motioned him to look out the window. Heero turned to look and gasped. He saw tall buildings all around him with many people walking around. Heero had never seen so many people in one place before. He tried to see the tops of the building but couldn't the buildings were extremely tall. He pressed his face against the window in hopes to get a better look outside.

Trowa drove through the rest of the city sometimes slowly so that Heero could get a better look. They finally parked outside an apartment complex. They got out and started to unpack Trowa and Quatre's bags. Heero was about to wander away again but Duo grabbed him.

“No Heero. You stay with me. Okay?”


Duo grabbed his hand just in case. He didn't want what happened at the repair shop to happen again.

The apartment buildings were three stories up with six apartments per building. Trowa and Quatre's apartment was on the third floor and on the right. They walked up the stairs to the top floor and then went into Trowa and Quatre's apartment.

When you first walk in you come into a hallway. On the left is the door to the kitchen and on the right was a hallway to the rooms. The kitchen is small but big enough for two people. The living room is straight down the hallway and has beige carpeting. The couch is set on one side of the room but with enough room to walk around it. It created a small walkway to the table with four chairs. Across from the couch was the TV, which was against the wall. In between the couch and the TV was a sliding glass door with a view of other apartment buildings. Down the hallway on the right were two rooms and a bathroom. The room closest to the hallway was a guest room and the other was made into the master bedroom. The bathroom was on the other side of the hallway. Overall the apartment wasn't big but it wasn't small either.

Wufei and Sally went and sat on the couch while Trowa took the bags to their bedroom. Quatre walked over and sat in one of the chairs from the table and sat down. Duo and Heero stood to one side and waited until Trowa came back. Heero tried to wiggle his hand out of Duo's grip so he could look around. Duo didn't see the harm in letting Heero wander so he let go. Heero smiled at Duo and started to look around the room. Trowa came back out and took another chair from the table and sat next to Quatre.

“Okay so what do we do now?” Asked Quatre.

“First he needs a bath and a change of clothes.”

“Well he can take a bath here and I think he is around my size so I'll find some hand me downs for him. Sound good?”

“Perfect. I'll just go give him a bath and we discuss what to do next afterwards.”

“Wait it shouldn't take long to discuss what to do next. The bath can wait. We need to get him medical care. After that maybe the doctor will know what to do. Because I'm completely clueless.”

“Well, I can call for the doctors appointment since I am a Pre-med major. But I'm about as clueless as you as what to do after that. I think our best bet is to ask the doctor. I'm sure he or she would know what to do.”

“Sounds good Sally. Anyone else have any ideas? Okay then, Duo you can give Heero his bath now. Trowa and I can take Sally and Wufei home to freshen up and then the four of us can get dinner and bring it back here.”

“Sounds good Winner. Let's go.”

The four of them stood, three went out the door while Quatre went back to the master bedroom.

“Duo, I'm going to leave the clothes in the bathroom for you.”

“Thanks Q. See ya soon Q.”

Quatre waved to Duo and exited the apartment leaving Duo and Heero alone. Heero looked up when they left but went back to exploring the room some more. He was now looking inquisitively at the pictures on the wall. Duo walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Heero, you're going to take a bath…”


“What? You need a bath Heero.”

“No I don't want to.”

“Why not?”

“It hurts.”

Duo was stunned when he heard that. Heero looked frightened at the thought of taking a bath. Duo reached out to hold him but Heero moved away. Duo frowned but didn't move closer. He inwardly cursed the family for making Heero afraid of a simple bath.

“It's not going to hurt. Besides I will be with you.”

Heero looked at him with hope shining in his eyes. Every time he had a bath before it had hurt but Duo said it wouldn't. He believed Duo implicitly.

“You're taking a bath too?”

“Not quite, but I'll be right there with you. I promise it won't hurt you.”

Heero thought it over and nodded his acceptance. Duo held his hand out and Heero grasped. Together they went down the hall to the bathroom. Duo stopped to get towels for Heero and walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

“Okay Heero, take off your clothes. I'll turn on the water.”

Duo turned around to turn on the water and wait for Heero to take off his clothes. He turned the knobs until the water was hot but not hot enough to burn. He turned back around and saw Heero standing there naked. Duo looked him over and blushed when he realized he was checking him out. He told himself that Heero wasn't well and he couldn't do anything until then but his body didn't want to listen. Duo turned around again to calm himself down. It took a few minutes to calm his body but he did. He turned back around and looked anywhere but at Heero.

“Get into the tub Heero.”

“I'm scared Duo.”

“It's okay, it won't hurt. Here take my hand.”

Duo took Heero's hand and both kneeled next to the tub. Duo took Heero's hand and slowly put it in the water. Heero had flinched when his hand hit the water and closed his eyes waiting for the pain. When none came he opened his eyes and looked down at the water. Heero slowly moved his hand around and marveled at how it didn't hurt. Duo motioned for Heero to get into the tub. Heero stood and carefully made his way into the tub. Once standing in the tub he lowered himself until he was seated. The water came up to his stomach and he wasn't quite sure how to handle it. He started to panic and grabbed onto Duo.

“Calm down Heero. I'm right here and I won't let anything happen to you.”

Heero calmed down a little but still held onto Duo. Duo just shook his head and reached out for the soap and the washcloth. He soaped up the washcloth and started to clean Heero's body.

He tried to do it as professionally as he could but the way the water ran down Heero's body was making him hard. He was grateful that the tub was in front of him and hiding his erection. Duo then handed the washcloth over to Heero so he could wash his more private parts of his body. Heero looked quizzically at the washcloth then at Duo. He didn't know what to do with it. Duo realizing Heero didn't have a clue just took the cloth back and blushed bright red for what he was about to do. He reached down and started to clean Heero's penis and balls and his backside.

Heero felt a strange stirring in his groin and looked down. He watched as his penis grew hard and stiff. The pleasure from what Duo was doing made him moan. He had never felt anything that good before. Duo stopped the movement when he was done cleaning it. Heero whined in protest he didn't want that good feeling to stop. He reached out and grabbed Duo's hand and brought it back down to his arousal and let go. Waiting for Duo to finish what he was doing. Duo snapped his hand back from the hard cock and tried to calm his raging hormones.

“Duo, please?”


Chapter 5
Chapter Index
Chapter 7