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*blinks* Wow it's been over a year since my last update. I'm so sooooorrrrryyyyy everyone. Real life decided that it was more pressing and practically dragged me kicking and screaming to reality. But now I'm back and I'm writing again. Sadly two of my stories are going to be put on hold. I'll still be working on them but don't expect any updates for a llooooonnnngggg while.

The Update:
ME: The Black Swan is completed. :)
BSG: Added Chapter 4 of Child of the Sea, and Chapter 11 and 12 of Pirate Toy.
DragonMistress_7: The Rest of Waiting for Shinigami.

I believe that is all the updates for now. I'll be on sporadically so don't expect updates on a regular basis. I'll try but it depends on circumstances. See ya next time :)


*sighs* Well I only got around to updating Grumpy2s's and Koyote's fanfiction. I want to apologize...but finals week and then leaving for break has been kind of hectic. *bows* I'm sorry I couldn't do a proper update. I'm also sorry that I won't be able to update until I get back...which is around the third week of January. *sighs* I'm truly sorry.

*grins* Well everyone have a happy holiday and I will see y'all next year.


*sighs* Finally I updated. I have added a new author, Koyote. I've also updated all of Sol's fanfiction. Also, DragonMistress_7's "Waiting for Shinigami" Is updated. Enjoy...*wanders off to do some updating of her own.*


*grins* Another update...finally got MistressDragon_7 go check her out...*winks*

Also I have a new story by Ozzypoos's called Moment of's a GW/FF7 crossover. Enjoy.

In other news, I'm heading home for Thanksgiving this please any emails send to not the email listed. Thanks. *grins*


Alright, another update. I added Ch.8 to both Meeting Beatrice and Dancing with the Rude Boys in Sol's fanfiction. Enjoy!

11/15/03 *blinks* I think this is the fastest time between *clears head* Anyway, Meeting Beatrice Ch. 7 is up! Enjoy.


Alright I updated Sol's Dancing and Meeting Beatrice. And I added a new author: Grumpy2s. Enjoy all. *grins*

*sheepish look* Oops and I added "A Guide for a Yaoi Girl" to My Fanfiction.


*grins* Added two new authors...Sol and Tofumalfoy. More soon as I ask...see ya later.*waves*


*grins* Hi all...I updated Bleeding Star Goddess's section. I hope that she has forgiven me for being an ass and putting this off for so long. But I hope we have worked out a system that will work for us. So here's what I updated:

I AM Shinigami->Chapter 15
Mate of Chase->Chapters 9-11
Mind of a Soldier->Chapter 2
The Demon King->Chapters 12-15
The Pirate Toy->Chapters 8-10
Child of the Sea->Chapters 1-3
Caged Demon->Chapters 1-3
We are the Day and Night->Chapter 1

Well that's all the updates for today. I hope to have more updates for you all soon. Until then. Bye.


*grins and waves* Hi all...I'm updating today. *sheepish look* And I believe I fixed all the broken links...If you should find me and tell me. Thanks. Here's what I'm updating.


Pt. 7 Everyone's Entitled to a Second Chance.
Pt. 7 Shoe Shine
Pt. 7 The Black Swan
New Stories: Finding Heero's Mate and Finding A Home.


Severed Dreams Pt. 2
Between Darkness and Light Pt. 7

Well that's it for now. Talk to you all later.


*grins* Instead of doing homework...I worked on a new fic. It's called GraveDigger and it's now up in My Fanfiction. Go check it out. *grins*


*sheepish smiles* Okay...I'm sorry. I got distracted by the RL. Well here's the updates.

Rapunzels->Apoptosis Epilogue and Welcome Distractions 15.

Thats it. See y'all soon.


Alright *smiles* New updates of my fics...Chapters 6 of Everybody's Entitled To A Second Chance, The Black Swan, and Shoe Shine.

More updates tomorrow be ready...*grins*


*grins* Finally I have internet at my house. Now I can update more regularly. So here's the update for today.

Ozzypoos: part 6 of Between Darkness and Light and added a new story: Severed Dreams.

I also added a new link: The Team Rocket and Shinigami Castle. Go check it out.

Alright that's it for now...Ta Ta


*sighs* I'm sorry that I didn't update sooner. I left for a couple of weeks to go visit my grandmother. But now I'm back..and I have some updates for you...*grins*

DamnVespa (*winks* Me)->

The Black Swan pt. 5
Everybody's Entitled to a Second Chance pt. 5
My Last Breath
Fixed the Prologue and Chapter 4 of Shoe Shine...and added Part 5.
The Say Series
And last but not least...Operation Fresh Start has been put on hiatus for awhile. I kind of lost my focus for the story and until I get it back...I won't be writing for it.

Rapunzel->Welcome Distractions Pt. 14

Well that's it for to you all later. *waves goodbye*


*Sheepish look* I was supposed to update yesterday but I couldn't. *sighs* Gomen minna. Anyways...I've finally updated *huge grin*
Rapunzel-> 2 poems: A Humble Nerd's Ode to Duo Maxwell and Shooting Star.
Ozzypoos-> Chapter 5 of Between Darkness and Light.
Bleeding Star Goddess->Chapter 8 of Mate of Chase, Chapter 11 of The Demon King, and a new story called Mind of a Soldier.

Well that's it for today. Hopefully I'll update sooner next time. See y'all later.


*sheepish look* Sorry about the long wait but I moved into a new house and am waiting for internet connection. So updates will be slow for awhile.

*smiles* Anyways I have two today.
Ozzypoos-Between Darkness and Light Chapter 4
Rapunzel-Welcome Distractions Chapter 13


Update: Rapunzel: Welcome Distractions Part 12


*grins* Alright I added two NEW Authors. They are Ozzypoos and Bleeding Star Goddess...*grins*


*grins* I added a new author: Rapunzel. And I also added email links to both Rapunzel and Ariel.


Fixed a link and added new links! *grins*


Alright I posted four new stories: Getaway, Mission at Ruby Base, To Pass The Time, and Roses. I also added Three new links. *grins* Happy Late Easter everyone.


*grins* Another Update. *frowns* Small though...only one story: Sacrifice for Love. Enjoy.

New chapters to Operation Fresh Start, Everyone's Entitled to a Second Chance, Shoe Shine, and The Black Swan. More Updates soon.


*smiles* Made more updates...finally! *sighs* For starters, I have decided to discontinue Happy Hentai Cruise. I felt too much like a pimp and I just can't write more of it. I'm so sorry to all I promised a part in the story.

New chapters to Operation Fresh Start, Everyone's Entitled to a Second Chance, Shoe Shine, and The Black Swan.


*grinning* I figured out html and have redesigned My Fanfiction Page, Ariel's Fanfiction Page, and the Links...*grinning*

NEW: "Hot Shower" in My Fanfiction


*Grins Big* Alright..the site is up and running now.
NEW: I put up all my fanfiction.
Ariel's Fanfiction is up as well

Well that's it for updates. Enjoy ^_^

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