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Quatre-kun: gay or not?

'ullo peoples. Now, the big question about Quatre-kun is: Is Quatre really gay? well, the answer is...dun,dun,dun!! personally, I haven't seen his gay side...((::coughs:: aucutally hentai stuff i mean, and i will not see it, thankyou. im an anti-hentai person...::gags:: that stuff makes me sick)) anyways. Other than his Pink shirt and his way-too-good-personality ((face it, no guy is as innocent...or sweet...of anything of that sort as Quatre is, if you are, damn boy where the hell have you been all my life?! hurry up and email me!!))I mean theres been clues, and I've had friends tell me he is. He is in the Jap. Verions, I know that much, but he isnt in the English versions, so lets not ruin the English version for the people that do think Quatre's kawaii. n'k? Personally, I like the English versioned Quatre better ((in the Jap. version, It's Duo and Trowa all the way)). and if ya dun know, Quatre's voice in the jap version is done by a chick. k? got that?? thats all i have ta say about Quatre-kun's question of being gay. OH! AND I DONT WANT HATE EMAILS ABOUT MY PERSONAL OPINION OF QUATRE, GOT IT?? >only my best friends can tease me about that!!<