"Teehehehee!!" Mina giggled as her and Jessie skipped though the mall. "I love the mall, Jessie-neechan!!!" "hai! I know Mina-sama! So many cuties!!!" "hai,hai!! But waitwe have Quatre and Duo" "What they dun know wont hurt em! Its not like were doing anything! I mean, if we came here w/ Deathscythe and Sandrock and started blowing things up, then we'd be in trouble, but were not doing anything nowhehe!!" "hehehe!!! I guess so, besides, my Quatre-kun's too cute!" "not cuter than my Duo-kun!!!" "HAI!!! HE'S JUST AS CUTE IF NOT CUTER!!!" "NUH-HN!!!! DUO'S SUPER KAWAII!!!" "AND QUATRES SUPER DUPER GHETTO SAIYAN-GUNDAM KAWAII!!!" Just then Aila spots her 2 friends and quickly tells her boss shes gonna take a break. She runs out of the store to see her friends fighting over who's more kawaii. "uh guys??" Mina and Jessie "WHAT?!!?!?!" "eep! Sorry, just for reference, HEERO AND ZECHS ARE CUTER THAN THEM ALL!!!" Mina and Jessie: ::blinks:: "NOOOOOOOOOOO QUATRE AND DUO!!!!" the guys who were secretly watching them were laughing hysterically. "who's gonna win?? Bets?? Bets anyone?? Duo's taking bets here!!" "my Mina will!!" duo and heero: ::glare:: "wanna bet??" "hai!! I will!!!" "fine!! I say Jessie's gonna win!" "I cant believe you guys stoop to this level we all know that Aila will win!" The 3 friends were still arguing when outta the corner of their eyes, they spotted a ~flying~ Duo. "ack!! My duo!!" Jessie yelled as she ran over to him. "did they hurt you my duo?? Lets so get Deathscythe on em!!" then Mina and Aila see a ~flying~ Quatre. "my Quatre-kins!!!" Mina yelled as she ran over to him. "how many Mojo Jojo's does it take to get to the moon??" Quatre said right before he passed out. Heero stepped out from the shadows. "omae o korosu! I told you: Aila will win!!" the 3 friends looked at each other in confusion. "nani?" they all said together. Since Duo and Quatre were incoherent, Mina and Jessie carried them home-well back to Mina's house anyway. Jessie, Mina and Aila sat in front of the TV watching Ronin Warrior re-runs. Occasionaly saying a "eep!!" or "oooooh!!" or "wowie!!" their typical words while watching cuties on tv. When Quatre and Duo came to "I KNOW HOW MANY MOJO JOJO'S IT TAKES TO GET TO THE MOON!!!" Quatre yelled. "the god of death is back from hell once again!!! Well, not really, the pain still hurts heey Quatre?" Duo said "no, Duo, I wont marry you I'm sorry my heart belongs to Mina." Quatre replied "damn straight it does, Quatre!" Mina yelled w/o even looking away from the tv. "That's not what I was going to say, Quatre" Duo started "ohwell then, no I won't make love to you, I don't swing that way either" the 3 girls and heero fell over laughing. "nononono, I wasn't gonna say that either, Quatre" "oh, thenumshit I ran out of dumb remarks" "that's good, now will you listen to what I have to say?" "umhow many Mojo Jojo's does it take to get to the moon?" Heero, Mina, Jessie & Aila: XD. Duo, getting fed up w/ Quatre's remarks, threw a blanket over Quatre's head and sat on him "NOW LISTEN QUATRE!!" "ooooooh Duo!! I didn't know you were like this! And you blinded me yet!!" Heero, Mina, Jessie and Aila are laughing too hard to put a stop to it. "I AM NOT LIKE THAT QUATRE!!!" Duo screamed turning 20 shades of red. "but I am!!" Mina yelled. "then have duo get off me and you get over here Mina!" "heey! Not a bad idea quatre!!" "you cant!!! I'm a youngin!!" Jessie yelled. "your older than me" Mina replied "uhyeaso??" Jessie said "wellI'll just go sit on Jessie then!" duo cried "ooh!! Tis fine w/ me!!" Jessie yelled. Everyone was havin a good ol time, till Relena Peacecraft decided to walk in "Aiyaa!! Tis the gaki!" Jessie screamed in absolute horror. "Stalker what're you doing in my house??" Mina demanded. Relena raised her nose in the air, "I was looking for Heero, and I'm NOT a stalker!" Everyone turned to Aila as she began laughing hysterically. "What's so funny Aila?" Heero asked, totally confused. "Relena! She's.. she's got.." Aila tried to talk between hysterical giggles, "A boogie!! Relena has a boogie!!" Everyone noticed she was right and fell to the floor in giggle fits. Relena lowered her head and began swipping at her nose. "Did I get it? How close was I? Is it gone?" She asked after every swipe. "That's what ya get for having such a big shnoze!" Jessie laughed. Relena huffed and stomped her foot, "Stop laughing at me! I'm a queen! NO ONE LAUGHS AT MEEEEEEE!!!" That only made everyone laugh harder. "Your all so mean!" Relena wailed, she ran around the room like a chicken with it's head cut off, "WHERE'S BARNEY?? HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO TRULY UNDERSTANDS ME!" After the laughter stopped, the three ronins and three gundam pilots huddled. "We've gotta get her out of here." Duo stated, glaring over his shoulder at Relena, who was still running around like the idiot she was. "Hai, she's giving me a headache." Quatre said, rubbing his temples. "Aww my poor Quatre-wuatre." Mina cooed, glomping onto her beloved. "I say we kill her." Heero said matter-of-factly. Aila raised her hand, "I agree!" "We can't." Jessie said. "Neechan are you getting sick?" Mina placed her hand on Jessie's forehead. "Iie, I'm fine." "Then why do you disagree to killing the gaki?" Aila asked. "Cuz it would make SUCH a mess y'know." "She's right." Duo sighed. "Of course! Tenku-chan knows best!" Jessie announced happily. "Then what do we do?" Heero asked. "Let's um...." Mina paused, "Tie her up! Then she can't annoy us anymore!" "Good idea Mina." Qautre agreed with her. The six of them turned with wicked smiles to Relena, who blinked. "What? Don't tell me I've got another booger!" She began to rub her nose as they advanced on her. ~*~a little later~*~ "Ahh silence is bliss!" Aila smiled. Relena sat in the corner on the floor, a sock stuffed in her fat mouth and her hands tied behind her back with dental floss. She struggled vainly. "So now that Relena's out of the way, what should we do?" Duo asked. Jessie and Mina both got wicked looks on their faces, making the boys become afraid. "Um... ::gulp:: ..did you two have something in mind?" Quatre looked at them worriedly. "Well Mina and I were wondering if..." Jessie started. "You guys could do something for us." Mina continued. "Nani?" Heero asked. "Well... DO DA BOOTY BUTT DANCE!!" Both girls chorused, then collapsed into a giggle fit. Heero, Duo, Quatre and even Aila all blinked, "The WHAT??" "Y'know, shake your fanny! Give us a SHOW!" Jessie elaborated, giggling harder. "Hai! Show us what your made of!" Mina chimed in, going hysterical again. The boys fell anime style.
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