Hearts appeared in Jessie and Mina's eyes, "Oooooohhh!!! Gundam cuties!" Jessie glomped onto Duo while Mina glomped onto Quatre. Both boys looked confused. Aila sweat dropped, "Oiy." Duo looked at the nuts girl glomped onto him, "Um.. nice to meet you. Heh." Jessie looked at him starry eyed, "Konichiwa! Aishiteru!" More sweat drops appeared on Duo's head, "Oh boy." Quatre looked at the blond girl squeezing the life out of him confused, "Who are you three?" Mina looked at him smiling brightly, "Wattashi wa Mina desu! Wo ai ni!" She snuggled onto him. Aila rolled her eyes, "Allow me to introduce us, I'm Ai-" Before she could continue Heero pointed a gun at them, "Omae o koruso." Aila took one look at him and his gun before slapping him, "Don't be pointing that gun at me! Tis rude!" Heero rubbed his head and blinked at Aila, "Uh... gomen?" Aila nodded, "Much better. Like I was saying, I'm Aila of Midnight." She gestured to Jessie and Mina who were in gundam heaven, "The blond is Mina of Europa and the black haired girl is Jessie of Mysticfire." The boys looked at each other then back to the girls. "Are you members of Oz?" Trowa enquired. Aila raised an eyebrow, "Who? Does he work with Tulpa?" "Tulpa?" Jessie opened her eyes but stayed glomped onto Duo, "I don't think we're in Toyama anymore." "Then how'd we get here?" Mina asked. Aila shrugged, "Who knows." "And who cares." Jessie added, "We've got cuties, what more could we want?" She winked. Aila smirked, "And what about Sage and Ryo." Both Mina and Jessie sweat dropped. Mina looked at Quatre's cute face and a slow smile spead across her lips, "What they don't know won't hurt them." "Hehe, my sentiments exactly Mina-chan." Jessie laughed and hugged Duo tightly. Heero and Trowa blinked. ~**~~**~ Jessie, Mina and Aila looked up in awe at the huge Gundams. Jessie whistled, "They look so much bigger up close don't they?" Mina nodded, "I'll say. Holy moly!" "Impressive I must say." Aila admitted, crossing her arms, "But how reliable are they?" Quatre smiled, "We've made it this far with them." Duo nodded in a agreement, "Yeah, without them none of us would have made it at all." Jessie looked at him and took his face in her hands, "Awww, my poor Duo." "Uh.... yeah." Duo sweat dropped and attempted to move away from her. However Jessie jumped into his arms before he could make his escape, "No no no, kawaii boy mustn't leave." Duo had no choice but to hold her, considering she wasn't going to let him go. Aila shook her head at the sadness of the situation, "Oiy ve." Mina and Jessie just giggled like school girls. Suddenly the doors to the base opened and car lights shinned through. Everyone turned to see who it was. A pink car drove in and an old man with gray hair got out of the drivers seat and opened the back door. Relena Peacecraft emerged from the car. She smiled and tossed her blond hair over her shoulder, "Hello." Jessie, Aila, and Mina glanced at each other then back at Relena. Jessie remained in Duo's arms, "It's the stalker." "Excuse me?" Relena was a little taken back. Who were these strange girls and how'd they know she had stalked Heero? Mina raised an eyebrow, "She looks so much more feeble up close doesn't she?" Relena huffed. "I'll say." Aila nodded, "Not a challenge at all." "Uhhuh." Jessie agreed as Duo let her down. She walked circles around Relena who had stepped away from the car, "Hm..." She shook her head, "Pa..thet..ic." "Who exactly are you?" Relena demained as she followed Jessie with her eyes. "Just some travelers." Jessie stated as she stopped in front of Relena and put her hands on her hips, "IF you must know, that is." Relena looked Jessie up and down and smirked. She passed her and to Heero. Jessie narrowed her eyes and kept her gaze on the evil one. "Heero, I've been searching for you." Relena stated with a smile as she stood before Heero, who just stared at her. "Don't you have some duties to attend to Relena?" Aila asked with a glare as she stood beside Heero. Relena looked at her, "Travelers huh? Then why are you here with the gundams?" "I'll answer that!" Mina announced, "We came because the boys invited us!" With that she glomped onto Quatre once again, who blushed. "Yeah!" Jessie agreed as she once again jumped into Duo's arms. "Oh what the heck." Aila smiled and jumped on Heero's back, who looked rather shocked. Relena stomped her foot, "No! This isn't how it works! Heero you and I are supposed to get married!" Heero gaped, "Nani???" "Ha! Like that'll ever happen!" Jessie stated from Duo's embrace, "Your nothing but a stalker Ms. Relena. You stalked poor Heero-kun all this time." "He saved me-" Relena started. Mina laughed, "So what? That's nothing, it's not like your the only one he's saved." "Yeah." Aila agreed, nodding, "He's saved plenty so go away Ms High and Mighty." "Relena I think you should go." Trowa said, "Before there's trouble." Relena looked to Heero for help. He shook his head, "You don't belong here Relena, go now." Ms. Relena Peacecraft finally took the hint she wasn't wanted and got back in her pink car, "Let's go Peagon." The four gundams and three ronins watched her car drive out of the base and away. Jessie and Mina looked at Aila, who was still on Heero's back. "What Kale doesn't know won't hurt him!" They chorused with giggles. Aila blushed, "Yeah well, it's just Heero's so KAWAII!" She hugged him tightly. Trowa couldn't help smiling at the sight of the three love-sick girls glomped onto his friends, it was a definite kodak moment. A light bulb turned on over Trowa's head and he pulled out a camera, "Say cheese!" He snapped the picture. heres mina-chans sad attempt at a rw/gw cross over...dun kill me!!! Jessie and mina both un-glomped offa duo and quatre and ran after trowa like there was no tomorrow. Mina screamed: "ILL KILL YOU TROWA!!" and Jessie chimed in: "NO ONE TAKES PICTURES OR MINA AND JESSIE!!! NO ONE!!!!" so they ran around in circles around Quatre, Heero and Duo who all had humongous sweat drops glued to their heads...Trowa finally had a *bright* idea and climbed up a tree...Jessie and Mina circled the tree trying to find a way up so that Trowa couldnt catch them trying to get at him...so they keept circling and circling. little did they know that they were wandering away from tree...they keept circling and circling...and circling. Aila saw what was about to happen..."Mina!! Jessie!! look---" and thats as far as they got when they bumped into the oldest cuties in the whole serries. they both fell backwards and slowly looked up... Mina: ::hearts in her eyes:: TREIZE!!!! OMG!!!!::as mina glomps onto him:: Jessie: ::w/ hearts twice as big as minas:: ZECHS!!!!!!!!::jessies turn to glomp:: Mina: Jessie, omg, i think weve died and gone to gundam heaven!!!! Jessie: omg , Mina!! your so right!!!!! Mina; the only thing that would make this totally right would be like, if we could like...kill like relena!!! Jessie: omg! you are like so right mina-chan!!! like..oh like how like perfect would that like be?? Mina: dude! Jessie: duude!! Mina: duuudeeee!! Jessie: du-uddddeeeeee!!! both: DUDE!!!!! Aila: ::falls down to her knees and prays:: help me help me help me...... Mina: well...miss Aila, we could be singing.... Jessie: :;strikes a pose:: i think we should!!!! Mina: like for real? Jessie: like yeah!!! Mina: um like okay..uh.... Jessie: omg! Mina-chan we ran out of songs!!!!! Quatre calls Trowa, Heero and Duo into a huddle... Heero: NO I WILL NOT!!! FORGET THAT!!! ITS BAD ENOUGH RELENA BEGS ME TO SING THE BARNEY SONG!!! Quatre: uh, Heero...that was...a lil bit more than we all wanted to know... Mina & Jessie: RELENA WATCHES BARNEY!!!! EW!!!!!!! Mina: hey, Heero? does she watch teletubbies too? Duo: even i know that one...she got them dumb-ass things hanging all over her room...so sick....almost as sick as Heero popping a bone back into place.. Heero: ¬.¬ Duo: sorry, Heero... Quatre: comon...i think its time... Trowa: hmm...well...i wasnt in the circus for nuthing, i guess... Duo: are you sure, Quatre? I mean...arent we degrading our gundams? Quatre: Sandrock wont mind, will ya? >>Quatres gundam looks cute and adorable and fluffy-cute<< Mina: ((still glomped on Trieze)) neechan...what are they doing?? Jessie: ((still clinging to Zechs)) i dunno neechan...im scared...::get big puppy eyes:: youll save me though wont you, cutie-zechs? ((if you havent noticed zechs & trieze are too scared to say a thing)) Mina: AILA-NEECHAN!!! YOU SHOULD TRY CLINGING ONTO SOME CUTIES!! ITS FUN REALLY!!!!! Aila: ....Mina-chan, Jessie-chan...i never said it before..but...my neechans... Duo: Your not proposing are ya????!?!?! Aila: NO!!!¬.¬ im gonna get you later Duo.... Duo: ::hides behind Quatre:: save me! Quatre: you did it to yourself, man...::pushes duo infront of aila:: Aila: ::laughs evily:: muwahahahahah!!!!!!!! Duo: EEP!!! i wuv you aila....::cries:: Jessie: HEEY!!!!!! Quatre, Heero & Trowa: ::on the gound laughing hystercially:: Mina: Duo had that one comeing... Quatre: ::sniffs:: i feel left out...i kinda liked having an admirer.... Jessie: aw...see that Mina-chan? Aila: BETTER THAN DUO!!! ::steam comining outta her ears:: Mina; aw...sorry trieze...::un-glomps, prances over to quatre & re-glomps:: your cute Quatre.... Quatre: aw...what a cute mina-chan!!! Mina and Quatre start to talk to eachother in baby voices... Jessie: uh...Mina-chan? Mina: ::giggles incoherently:: huh? jessie: mina...i hate to tell ya... Aila: let me then... Jessie: uh...hm...okay? Aila: MINA YOUR ACTING DUMB!!!!! Mina: gobble? Jessie:: OH NO!!!!! Mina: gobble!! gobble gobble!!!!!!!!!!! Quatre: O.o? Duo: ::uses a static un-clinger thingee to get mina & quatre away from eachother:: Mina: ::walks up to jessie and aila:: Jessie: uh-----oh..... Mina:: ::pecks at jessie n ailas feet, chasing them around the yard:: Heero: ::pulls out the gun that he had pulled out on aila earlier and aims it at mina:: omae o koruso! Quatre: ACK!! YOU CANT DO SUCH A THING!!!!!! NOT MINA!!! Mina; ??? Quatre: :: jumps infront of mina:: you cant kill mina! Heero: baka! Quatre: your mean... Heero: okay, romeo... Mina: i smile because i dont know whats going on...::has a big smile plastered to her face:: wait...did he say romeo? >>mina & quatre appear in funny looking costumes and mina hops on a balcony<< Mina: quatre, quatre where for art thou quatre! refuse thy dynasty and deny thy superhero-ness! Quatre: :;cries:: that was so beatuiful mina!!!! mina: why thank ya! Relena: you think that was good eh? Jessie: i thought we told you to leave miss.gaki.... Relena: nobody keeps Queen Relena away!!! Aila: Queen Relena, what a bunch of b.s....oiy...the day relena becomes queen...uh..n/m...::glomps onto Heero just to make Relena mad:: Relena: ::growls:: HEEROS MINE!!!!! Aila: not any more!!! Mina: I HAVE A SONG JESSIE!!! Jessie: eh? whats that neechan? Mina: 'the boy is mine' by brandy and monica.... the stage is set for aila and relena to have a show off on a music video... Trowa: cue the music!!! >> Relena: what? man you ronin weirdos keep getting worse aila: ronin...*ahem weirdos? excuse me but i would rather be a weirdo with good taste in guys than a stalker who can't get one!! trowa quatre heero&duo: oooooooohhhhhhhhh jessie: GOOD ONE NEECHAN!! mina: i couldn't have said it better myself ::glomps back on to quatre:: aila: ::jumps onto heero:: heero: ?¬ ¬ ::has no choice but to carry her :: aila: ::sticks out tounge at relena:: relena: >.> Jessie stopped next to Trowa and smiled at him. Trowa blinked, "Uh.... yes?" "Ya know." Jessie started with a grin, "Your rather cute." She then glomped onto him. "Oh boy." Trowa sweat dropped, "I thought you liked Duo. And... Zechs." "Well I do." Jessie admitted, "But your pretty cute also!" Duo's jaw hung open, "Hey! What about me?" Jessie looked at him wickedly, "Oh? Miss me now Duo? Ha!" She snuggled onto Trowa and Duo sweat dropped. Meanwhile Mina and Aila had stopped yelling about blueberries and were back in gundam heaven. Relena was getting extremly annoyed by the fact Heero was letting Aila cling to him. To make steam come outta her ears Aila smiled and ruffled Heero's hair, "Oh your just so cute! Especially when you say Omae o koruso! Say it again Heero! For me?" Heero looked at her like she was nuts, "Have you lost your mind?" "I don't think I should answer that question." Aila said as she smiled. Mina let go of Quatre and made her way to Relena, "Oooooohh Relena!" "What??" Relena demained, getting rather annoyed at these Ronin weirdos, or whoever they were. "Oh nuuuuthin, I just thought I'd tell you, you should really die your hair again. Your roots are showing!" "My what??" "Did I stutter? I didn't know your hair was really brown." Relena's eyes widened, she HAD forgotten to dye her hair last night. Aila and Mina got wicked looks in their eyes, they began to skip around chanting, "Relena dyes her hair! Relena dyes her hair! Hahahaa!!!!" Relena huffed, "It's not funny!" "Is so! Is so!" Chanted Mina and Aila happily. Trowa looked around, "Hey, where's Jessie?" Everyone stopped and looked around the base, she was gone. "She's on the loose!" Yelled Duo, scared out of his mind. "There she is!" Aila said as she pointed to Death Scythe, Duo's gundam. Jessie was shimmying up it's leg, she reached the top and stood defiant, "Bwahahaha! I've always wanted to fly one of these!" The gundam cuties all sweat dropped, "Uh oh.." Jessie opened the hatched and jumped in, she got the door closed, "Ok, now how do I start this thing?" Her gaze fell on a red button that said 'start', "Hm.. I wonder.." She pressed it and the engine started, "Oh, duh!" Jessie smirked and acted like she knew what she was doing as the pressed all sorts of buttons and the gundam rose into the air, "Weee!!" She giggled as she flew all over the base, she then flew upside down, "Good thing I put on a seat belt. And to think I've never had a lesson!" Duo: my gundam!!! oh man...::glares at Heero:: DO SOMETHING!!! SHELL KILL US ALL!!! Mina; well...not all of us....shell save me, n lil neechan n my quatre-poo!!! ::baby voice:: aint dat righty-o quatre-watre? Quatre: ::baby voice:: oh...yuppy-wuppy kawaii mina-chan!! aila: oh gag me already...hm...::light bulb goes off:: HEEY RELENA! WATCH THIS!! ::relena turns her head in time to see aila glomp onto heero:: Relena: ¬.¬ i dun care what you do...Heero is mine...for i am queen relena! aila: thats a laugh in a half!!! HA-H! relena: damore, gaki!! aila: omae o korosu!!!! relena: bring it on!!!! aila: uhoh...DUCK!!!! relena: duck? where i dun see one...::looks baffled:: >>just then Jessie flying upside down hit relena, giggled ferriously, and drop-kicked relena off a 100-story building to see her go down w/ a big ole "THUNK!"<< jessie: ::climbs outta death scythe:: i always knew relena was a dead weight.... mina: good one neechan!!! aila: yea neechan!!! thankya!! jessie: ::nods in agreement:: anytime neechans!!! and...niichan to quatre if mina would like it that way... mina: YES!!! VERY!!!!!! Jessie: mina...come 'ere... mina: ::whispers:: yea? jessie: ::whispers:: comon...i think its time they meet Miss Dorothy and Miss Noin... Mina: AH!! ::whispers:: i mean...yea...but...neechan? Jessie: let her glomp onto Heero, its funny... Mina & jessie; ::giggles as they both watch aila just at that time glomp onto heero and fluff his hair:: ~~~ Quatre: whered mina-chan go?? ::sniff:: MIIINAAAAA!!!! WHERE ARE YOU???? Trowa: dun worry Quatre...she'll be here...oh...um...you might want a copy of that picture i snapped earlier....::hand quatre the pic:: Quatre: hm...it still dun catch the real mina-chan... trowa: i know...n it dun catch the real jessie-chan either... Jessie & mina: ::jessie trotts out looking like miss noin and mina like dorothy catalonia:: quatre, duo & trowa: jessie?!? mina?!? mina: yupyup...or should you call me....::stikes a pose:: dorothy... Jessie: mina--uh..dorothy? is right...::strikes a pose by mina, kinda like the ginyu force on dbz::...and im...the smart miss noin! relena: more like smart-assed... jessie: bite me you bi-- duo: jessie dont! its not worth it... jessie: ::jumps up and down:: BUT SHE WONT DIE!!!!!!! relena: dont worry...i only came for whats mine--heero that is... aila: nuh-hn!! HEERO....IS....MMMMMIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEE!!!!! mina: miss relena...dont get all upset...if it was ment to be, then youll have heero, ne? relena: yes....and i am ment to be with him...im his sta--- i mean...love... jessie: YOU WANTED TO SAY STALKER!!!! mina: ::acting like dorothy:: dun worry miss bi---um...::coughs and quatre falls over laughing:: miss bi--...why the hell cant i say....MISS RE--BIT--!! AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jessie &aila: ::laughing in giggle fits:: MIna: ::sweat drop:: oiy...um...miss rele--bit---::falls over:: im just gonna say "HEY YOU!" relena: heey! you arent the real dorothy catalonia!! mina: yuh-hn! relena: nuh-hn...dorothy is a suck up.... mina: thats only cause i didnt have the gundams on my side before...::snickers evily:: relena: ....HEERO!! SING BARNEY!!! Heero: ::the hugest sweat drop ever:: ..... relena: NOW!!!!! Heero: fine...fine...omae o korosu... Relena: what was that???!!! Heero: how about this....I HATE YOU! YOU HATE ME! BARNEY GAVE ME HIV!! I WAS SITTING ON THE COUCH WATCHING TV, BARNEY CAME AND HUMPED ON ME!!!!!!!!!!! happy??? ::runs off the set crying:: aila: aw...::sniffy:: heero-kun....you...::glares at relena:: relena: thats not the way the song goes...hm....::twirls her hair around her finger:: atleast i dun think so..... aila: :;walks up to relena:: bakayarou!!!!! how dare you do that to poor heero-kun!!! he should have better than you! relena: like who? aila: easy...LIKE...MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! mina&jessie:: 24, 44 does anybody know the score? rah rah!! fight fight!! gee i hope i look alright... quatre, duo n trowa: YOULL ALWAYS LOOK GOOD!!! mina & jessie: aw... jessie: duo...stand there...::stands duo in one place::...now trowa...stand there....::pushes trowa next to duo:: ah...there we go...now...put your arms out...::they do as their told:: yea!! ::jumps into their arms:: NOW I HAVE BOTH CUTIES TO HANG ON!!!!! mina: quatre? quatre: yes? mina: are you busy...? quatre: never to busy for you mina-chan... mina:...aw...::jumps into his arms:: I LOVE YOU!!! YOUR TOO KAWAII!!!! Quatre: aw...why thankya mina-chan! Mina: yupyup aila: fine relena, if you insist! i really don't care about heero anymore anyways, he has such a bad attitude, and i can't stand you much longer. everybody else: ::0.0 jessie: ::takes temperature:: are you feeling ok aila? aila: never better mina: you realize you just gave up heero aila: yeah so..:looks over at trowa and jumps on him:: mina and jessie: ::LOL!! heero: hey! i'm unwanted!! relena: ::acts lovey dovey:: not by me heero heero: oh..go away!!! YOU'RE ANNOYING!! YOU AND YOU'RE STUPID PINK CAR!!! AND YOU CAN'T FIGHT!!!! Relena: ::faints:: Trowa: ::is confused and looks at the girl glomped onto him:: well i was feeling left out anyway. ::smiles warmly at aila:: aila: ::kisses trowa on the cheek:: trowa: ::blushes and falls over:: jessie: direct arn't we neechan? aila: oh thats not direct... mina: ummm... maybe trowa won't be able to handle direct right now....^_^0 jessie: but..neechan...i thought trowa was MINE along with duo.. ::sniffs:: aila: oh....poor neechan..you can have trowa back..i'll just stay single and watch all of you huggle with the kawaii gundams, and relena torture poor heero for which i can do no more for. jessie mina quatre and duo: huh? jessie: well..since i already have my kawaii duo ::plays with his hair:: i guess trowa would be happy with you as well.. aila: i don't know.... i don't think trowa likes me at all trowa: ::gets back up in a daze:: how many cups pf sugar does it take to get to the moon? duo: uh.....3 1/2? trowa: right....... ok i'm back quatre: welcome back from la la land mina: oh quatre you are SO INCREDIBLY KAWAII quatre: ::blushes:: oh you are to mina-chan heero: oh brother... ¬ ¬
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