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Name: Tetsushirou Senichi
Alias: Wraith
Gender: Male
Nationality: Colonial Japanese
Status: Mercenary
Mobile Suit: RX-121 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel]
Organization: Old Federation [Space]
Rank: N/A
Age: 25
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
At six feet tall and 160lbs. Senichi is pretty well built and not too thin for a man of his size. He has ear-length, raven-black hair and matching, almost metallic eyes. His skin is white and not very tan due to living in space all his life. He has the bearing of one who's seen and been through too much in his young life. As far as clothing goes, he normally wears a cloak over bits and pieces of his father's Federation uniform. Nothing recognizeable unless he takes the cloak off, though.
Training/Special Abilities:
Public schooling to age ten or eleven, then home-schooling until fifteen(he equivalent of a high-school education). Training in heavy machinery and construction as well as colony cargo and passenger transfer and customs procedures. One-on-one training for two years in the operation and use of Mobile Suits(advanced MS Piloting). Advanced knowledge in pirate strategy and guerilla warfare in a space setting. Stand-alone leadership skills, small to mid-size spacecraft piloting, Extra Vehicular Activity training(EVA). Marksmanship training and hand-to-hand combat training. Also, he has displayed what one might consider ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception) before in moments of extreme stress. No one has been able to explain it thus far(Newtype abilities).
Senichi is an asshole with a wicked, ghoulish sense of humor. Whether you find him funny, attractive or offensive, he really couldn’t care less. He has the typical mercenary personality…always looking out for number one. No matter what face he might show to the outside world and no matter what situation he’s in, he ALWAYS looks for the best way to benefit himself. To those he leads, he is charismatic and an excellent leader, he knows how to take charge. However, to those that really know him, he's withdrawn and cold to the world. He doesn't let anyone get close to him.
Sometimes he'll go too far in trying to achieve his goals. He's a perfectionist and will not stop in trying to get what he wants until he's gotten it, even if it means cold-blooded murder.
Born and raised on Side 1 to loving parents, Tetsushirou Senichi grew up in the height of Federation civilization. His father was a Federation officer and his mother was a doctor at the local hospital. All his life he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, but that dream was shattered when the Federation collapsed around them. Leaving some material possessions for his ten-year-old son to remember him by, his father left to spearhead a revival operation for a Federation military force in the area and was never seen again. In the meantime, Senichi was taken out of the public school system by his mother due to taunting and all-around poor treatment by teachers and students. As a result, he became bitter and withdrawn.

His mother home schooled him for the rest of his high school education, and, when he was old enough, he began work at the colony's space gate. He learned how to operate heavy machinery, unwittingly forming the basis of his mobile suit piloting skills for the future, and basically worked as a pack mule for the cargo yard. When Tetsushirou was eighteen, a friend of his fathers visited him and his mother at their home, attempting to convince him that it would be best if he went with the man and joined the underground Federation resistance movement with his father. He went along with it, but only because he secretly resented his father for leaving them and wanted a chance to let dear old dad just how much he’d hurt them.

His mother was vehemently opposed to this course of action, but it was what Senichi wanted to do, so he said his goodbyes and left. They traveled to a hidden base in Side 1, one that was supposedly destroyed by the Zeons and Jovian Alliance, where Tetsushirou learned that his father had disappeared some time ago, and they'd only told him he would see his father to get him to come with them. It was disappointing, but Senichi dealt with it, instead deciding to get whatever he could out of being there. His father's friend taught Senichi all the skills he could possibly need in the future and set him on his course. They eventually went their separate ways, and Tetsushirou went on to become one of the Old Fed’s most feared pilots, earning the moniker “Wraith”. He had a natural ability for one so young combined with a downright contempt for life, and it downright scared some of the veterans he flew with. He served with Federation pirate crews for nearly three years, then surprised everyone when he struck out on his own and became a mercenary, taking a few of the best pilots with him. In order to avoid having such an excellent pilot working for the other side, the Federation pays him just about whatever he asks to keep fighting. Better to pay up than to see him coming at you over the barrel of a beam rifle.