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Model number: MSN-00100
Code name: Hyaku Shiki
Unit type: Attack Use Prototype Mobile Suit
Manufacturer: The Desert Baronies
Operator: Cleo Sol Gende
First deployment: 0013 EC
Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 20.6 meters
Weight: empty 31.5 metric tons; max gross 54.5 metric tons
Construction: gundarium alloy on movable frame
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1850 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 18600 kg x 4
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.94 G; 180-degree turn time 1.6 seconds; maximum ground running speed 102 km/h
Equipment and design features:
• sensors, range 11200 meters
Fixed armaments:
• 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head
• 2 x beam saber, power rated at 0.38 MW, stored in recharge racks in backpack, hand-carried in use
Optional fixed armaments:
• none
Optional hand armaments:
• beam rifle, powered by rechargable energy cap
• clay bazooka, 7 rounds plus 1 in the chamber
Remote weapons:
• none