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Model number: MSM-03C
Code name: Hygogg
Unit type: commander type amphibious mobile suit
Manufacturer: Zimmad Company
Operator: Zeon
First deployment: EC 0003
Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 15.4 meters
Weight: empty 54.5 metric tons; max gross 79.2 metric tons
Construction: titanium/ceramic composite on monocoque frame
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 2735 kW
Propulsion: rocket/hydrojet thrusters: 2 x 38000 kg, 1 x 10000 kg; optional hydrojet booster packs: 2; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 9
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 1.09 G; maximum water speed 89 knots
Equipment and design features:
• sensors, range 5100 meters
Fixed armaments:
• 2 x beam cannon, mounted in hands
• 4 x torpedo launcher, mounted in main body
Optional fixed armaments:
• 2 x hand missile unit, mounted over arms
Optional hand armaments:
• none
Remote weapons:
• none
• Following the invasion and occupation of many areas of Earth during the Great War, the Zeon military began developing amphibious mobile suits to increase its war capabilities in Earth's oceans and waterways. One of their earliest designs was the prototype MSM-03 Gogg, and while being their first truly successful amphibious design, it did have its limitations. To overcome these, the improved MSM-03C Hygogg was developed and deployed, and it differed quite a bit from its initial design in both appearance and abilities. Its outer form was refined, making it more streamlined and increasing its water movement speed. The mega particle guns mounted in the original Gogg's stomach were moved into the Hygogg's hands, allowing for much greater flexibility in its attacks. The Hygogg can also mount a large "hand missile unit" over each arm, equipped with a set of blow-away panels to protect the mobile suit from the blast of the rather large and heavy missile when launched.