Equipment and design features:
sensors, range ? meters |
Fixed armaments:
2 x 20 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in torso
2 x 90 mm machine cannon, fire-linked, mounted in torso |
Optional fixed armaments:
none |
Optional hand armaments:
100mm machine gun
heat hawk
heat saber |
Remote weapons:
none |
The mainstay mobile suit used by Jovian Alliance after the Great War, the RMS-006 Jenice(based off the MS-06 Zaku II frame) was worthwhile as a mass-produced, general purpose unit for the average soldier. The Jenice is armed with a pair of vulcan guns in its upper torso, along with a pair of machine cannons in its lower torso. In addition, the Jenice could be equipped with hand armaments such as a 100mm machine gun, a heat hawk and a heat saber. Over the years, many Jenice units have been modified or cosmetically customized by their pilots/owners. |