Title: CRAZY GUYS Description: This is a sad story. The story begins with scenes of Duo's mother Being raped and killed. Young Duo sees everything that the murderer was doing to his mother. Duo, grown up, still sometimes relives the terrible scenes in his dreams. Duo visits Heero and finds a gun. The gun is the same model which was used to kill his mother by the murderer. It causes a flashback of the bad memories. Heero sees that something wrong with Duo and kindly recommends Duo to sleep because he knows that Duo has not slept for a few days. Duo asks Heero to give him a kiss before going to bed. Duo falls sleep and has nightmare. Duo is still a child. He must learn killing tactics in order to become a strong solider. He visits a man to learn assassination techniques from him. Young Duo does not like the man, believing that the man has the same eyes as the murderer had. He knows that the man will kill him. He starts abusing Duo at gun point. The gun is the same model as the murder used to kill his mother. The man has already taken off Duo's pants. He forces Duo down onto his knees on floor and abuses him with the gun. He starts talking that he did the same thing to a woman for long time ago. The man also says that he really enjoyed raping and killing her. Duo now knows that this man is the murderer who killed his mother and also going to kill him. The man pushes the gun deeper into Duo's body. He finally pulls the trigger, saying "Good Bye". Duo looses conscious. The man laughs, there were no bullets in the gun. Heero notices that Duo is suffering from nightmare.He comes to the bed and holds Duo's hand. In the morning, Duo notices Heero holding his hand. Opinion: Overall I liked this doujinshi. The story is a little hard to follow if you don't know the lanuage. |