~*Quatre's Gallery 2! (yup, the second part...^.~)*~

~*Quatre's Gallery 2! ^.^*~

WEll! I've expanded our lil Desert Angel's gallery a bit, I guess he deserved a few more picutres of him up since he's so cute ^^ Check em out, the thumb nails only show a portion of the whole pic...^^

I just love this pic! ^^ KAWAII!! Helloooo Mr Spaceman!^^ A close-up of Quatre looking serious Ah! Someone pushed Quatre over! It's..it's TROWA! Look closely..he's still there! REEEEEEoooow!
Yuck! It's that pink shirt again! >.< Heh, looks like Quatre's day-dreaming!(about his violin?!) I don't care what anyone else says! I think this picture is SAGOI! ^^ Heh, nice suit... OHMIGAWD!!
Here, drink this...*puts a handful of Vodka to Heero's mouth...^^* Aww, this is such  nice pic..it shows his heritage as an Arabian, plus he looks cute all dressed up! Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to march we go! ^^ Hehe, a cute Doujinshi pic! Check out Rashid in the background! AWW!! This is TOO cute! He's got lil' wings n all!
Jeeez! Look at Quatre's skinny hands! *.* Hmm, shall I wear that pink shirt...or no shirt at all... *Is that a post box behind Quatre? Wow, I've got great observational skills ! ^^ Shnooooooore!! *sob* This pic is beautiful...*waaaa*

There! A second page all done! ^^ Hmm, I'll try to fix up another page, but 40 pictures of Quatre in total should be enough for you people...shouldn't it? I'll see if I can be bothered to stick up anymore, but this will do for now!

Quatre's Gallery 1 | Main Gallery