Fallen Angel

Sakura froze as she felt a sting to her heart. The demons turned as they heard a loud gasping noise.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” Kurotio asked. The tenshi-chi’s words came out choked up in her throat. Black clouds began to swirl up from her feet.

“What’s happening?” Cherry asked.

“It’s starting,” Frankie explained. The others all turned their attention to her.

“What do you mean?” Foxy asked. Sakura let off a choked up scream in the background. The clouds shot into her chest.

“The shin heart is activating,” Frankie answered.

“So how do we stop it?” Cherry asked. The fighter tenshi-chi shook her head.

“Can’t,” she answered. “Outside influence will only speed up the process.”

“But what can we do?” Kurotio asked.

“There’s not much we can do,” Frankie answered. The black clouds inside Sakura’s body turned her wings darker than night.


Spike looked up and found himself on the beach again. What the…? The cowboy happened to look up and notice the sun looking bleak against a blackened sky. As he lit up another cigarette, Spike found that he couldn’t hear the ocean behind him. The man glanced, thinking that it was in his head. He walked over to the silent moving waves. Is this a dream? Spike looked down in his hand to see that he still had his gun. He uncocked it and looked inside. All six bullets remained unfired inside. Spike’s stoic expression on his face didn’t change.

So I wasn’t hallucinating, but what am I doing here? And why isn’t the ocean making any noise?

A loud screaming in the distance made the cowboy freeze. That sounded like…

. “Her shin heart is unstable and has become a time bomb inside of her. All you have to do is take the shin heart and crush it. It’s much better for her to die by your hand then by the angels,” Ryan’s words echoed in his head.

“Shit,” Spike muttered to himself. He cocked his gun and raced back to the house.


The angels in Heaven opened their eyes.

“My lord!” they cried. “His child’s shin heart has awakened! Let us kill her now!” Kami rose to his feet from his throne.

“Capture her!” he commanded. “If she or her lover resists, kill them!” The angels darted down to the living realm on Mars. Kami sat back in his throne and waited for the battle to unfold again.


Spike made it back to the beach house. Pancha stood on the front porch, awaiting his arrival. She held out her hand before he came within arm’s reach of her.

“Pancha?” he asked with an eyebrow raised. “What’s going on here?”

“You must turn back!” the guardian angel shouted.

“Why?” the cowboy asked.

“She has been tainted,” Pancha answered. “You have plunged her soul into chaos.”

“What are you talking about?” Spike asked.

“You’ll want to stop right there!” a woman’s voice snapped. Spike’s eyes glanced behind him as he felt the tip of a knife lightly touching his back.

The Holy War Begins