High Horses

Soot, Bemmer, Mandy, and Daisuke all sat on the couch. Everything was so quiet. They didn’t know where everyone went. Ein was sound asleep on the floor in front of them. Daisuke opened his mouth.

“Shut it,” Soot cut in. The other boy closed his mouth.

“Oh…” he said. Daisuke looked down at his lap. None of the interns spoke up. Ein turned in his sleep.

“I wonder what he’s dreaming about,” Bemmer said. Soot shrugged and shook his head. Mandy sighed and threw back her head.

“Why are we doing this?” she asked. The boys looked at her.

“What do you mean?” Bemmer asked. Mandy held out her hands.

“This!” she said. “We’re doing nothing.”

“And?” Soot asked.

“And? And?! We should be doing something!” Mandy shouted. She threw back her head and groaned.

“Like what?” Bemmer asked. His coworker looked over at him and frowned. She couldn’t think of anything to say. Mandy sat back down on the couch and frowned.

“Heh,” Soot said.

“Shut up,” she said, giving him the side-eye. He gave her the bird while the other two boys stayed between them. The whole time, Ein was sound asleep.