Love Buzz

They have been together for quite some time now. She knows what he wants. Francesca was onto his game. That didn’t stop Kurotio from trying. So why keep doing this? They know the outcome of this. Still, they play this game.

Kurotio put his chin on her shoulder. She gave him the side eye.

“What do you want?” Francessca asked.

“I’m bored,” the demon complained. She pulled away from him.

“How is that my problem?” she asked. Kurotio pouted at her. Francesca rolled her eyes. How many times have they done this? Yet it doesn’t change. The reason has been lost to them. Still, it doesn’t matter. The ending will be the same.

“Go ahead,” Francesca said. “Out with it. I haven’t got all day.” He looked like a sweet little puppy.

“Why are you so cold to me?” Kurotio asked. Francesca rolled her eyes. Did he have to ask? He walked over and tried to pull her into his arms. She took a step back.

“Say it or you’re getting shit,” the demon said. She folded her arms across her chest. Oh? Being forward, wasn’t she? He smirked at her.

“I was to fuck you,” Kurotio said.

“Is that so?” Francesca asked. He slowly nodded his head. She didn’t say anything as she turned and walked off to her room.

“Hey!” he shouted. He got up and hurried after her.

“Come back!” he said. Kurotio grabbed her by the wrist. He whirled her around. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips. The dark demon smirked into that kiss. Her lips brushed up against his ear.

“Your room or mine?” she asked. He stared deep into her eyes as he pointed behind her. Francesca snickered as she took hold of his hand. Kurotio chuckled to himself. He thinks he won. He might be right.

Her door slides open. Francesca paused for a moment.

“What?” Kurotio asked. She didn’t respond.

“Francesca? Francesca?” he asked. He shook her on the shoulder.

“Hey. Hey,” he said. She grabbed him by the wrist. The next thing he knew, Kurotio was pushed down onto the bed.

“Whoa!” he shouted. The demon looked up in time to see his girl pounce on him.

“Tell me,” she said in a husky tone. “What do you want?” Kurotio had a glazed-over look in his eyes.

“Fuck me! Fuck me please, mistress!” he pleaded. “My body is yours.” And there it was. She could reject him if she wanted. She had the power after all. He believed that he was the one in control of this game. Maybe Francesca could prove to him otherwise. It would be so easy too.

She leaned down and kissed Kurotio on the lips. He smiled and chuckled to himself. His hand reached up and took hold of her waist. She rolled up his shirt in response.

One by one, their articles of clothing ended up on the floor. Francesca’s legs came on either side of Kurotio. She wasn’t going to hold back anymore. The teasing was starting to get boring anyway. He felt so hard against her thigh. She had to ease him back down at one point.

“Behave or you will get nothing,” Francesca hissed in his ear. Kurotio looked up at her like a little puppy. She smiled and kissed him on the forehead.

How many times have they done this? It doesn’t matter to her. In truth, this has become the highlight of her days lately. Was she ever going to let him know? Like hell. That would destroy the illusion of the game. Each thrust on his cock took her mind away from that little fact. The fire demon just let her mind go blank in the moment. She closed her eyes and let her own lust consume her.

“I’m going to come!” Kurotio shouted. He reached up and grabbed onto her hips. His nails dug into her skin as he felt himself burst. Francesca moaned as she reached her own climax. She collapsed next to him, panting. Francesca looked up at him.

“Better?” she asked.

“Mmm,” was all he said as he drew his eyes closed. Francesca soon closed her own eyes and drifted off to sleep. They already knew they were going to do this again.

Can You Feel My Love Buzz?