to Me
stared into Sakura’s pretty amber eyes. This would be the first time he
his story to anyone. But it had to come out and now was right.
girl you saw,” Shoji began. “Used to work here.” Sakura kept watching
her boss.
“Go on.” said she. Shoji breathed in deep. Can’t stop now. Must keep
year,” he began. “Molly, the girl you saw, got a job here. Always
brought joy
to the kids. They loved her back.”
paused and took a breath. Just keep going.
noticed however,” the doctor went on. “She was always blushing around
Concerned, I called her to the front. ‘Molly,’ I said. ‘What’s wrong?
Why do you
always blush around me?’
looked away blushing. I was confused. Then, I heard giggling. ‘What’s
Then, Molly turned back to me smiling and said: ‘I love you.’
froze hard. A fourteen-year girl just told me she loved me. Strangely,
I felt the
same for her. But could never say so. Until that very moment.
‘I love you too.’ I admitted as well. Her eyes grew big. ‘You do?’
asked she.
‘Yes’ I said. She rushed forward and hugged me tight. I felt myself
turn red.
‘But,’ I spoke up. ‘Can it work?’ Molly let go of me and stared. ‘What
do you
mean?’ she asked. I swallowed hard. ‘I’m too old for you, for
starters,’ I
began. ‘And… I’m not pure…’ Molly stared at blankly. ‘Are you
divorced?’ she
asked me. I felt sick. ‘She passed away.’ I answered. Molly felt
sympathy. ‘I’m
sorry…’ she said. Then, she reached out and touched my hand.
talked more about my wife. That was my mistake. I told her everything.
I wasn’t
paying any attention to her face. But then, I saw Molly crying.
‘Molly,’ I
said. ‘What’s wrong?’ She didn’t say anything. Molly just ran away. I
understand why. I just stood still.
she never came back.” Shoji sighed. That was the hardest thing to say.
But the
doctor now had absolution.
reached out and touched Shoji’s hand. “I forgive you.” she said. Shoji
eyed the
fine nurse. “Arigato.” he murmured. Then, tears fell down his cheeks.